January 6th, 2021

I own a Sako .270 Winchester rifle/Ithaca 12 guage shotgun/Israeli Arms .357 pump action carbine & just for fun a cap & ball 1851 .36 Navy Colt.
Let the fucking War begin. you fucking rednecked/Facist motherfuckers.
I down with it :)
Relax, you pay taxes for that shit! You've got the presidency, the senate, the house and the republicans divided. Trump is fucked and his base just self immolated with the Capital Coup Klux Klan. Even police reform has been helped along since congressional lives matter now too! Cruz and Hawley are fighting for their political lives and Nancy is thinking of expelling the traitors in the house. Sacking and attacking the Capital and Congress worked out real fucking good for them!

Talk about get on the wrong fucking side of history in a hurry! :lol:

Donald controlled the base and Donald has destroyed the base, he's cleaning up after himself for the first time in his life... How many of these losers are gonna do federal time? They should have the video evidence to put a couple of thousand away IMHO.
Load your own
It's fun/relatively easy/cost effective
Simple :)
My brother and I did. I am just low now. But without a membership to take them out I am in no big hurry to reload. I do have a 1,000 45's sitting on a bench at my brother's that are lubed up. He also have a few milk jugs of 357 sitting around. He has many more toys than I do.
You know who this is going to piss off?
Facebook says it's now removing content containing the phrase 'Stop the Steal'
Facebook Inc. announced on Monday that it is taking down content on its platforms that contain the phrase “Stop the Steal” in the wake of the violent rioting by a pro-Trump mob at the U.S. Capitol last week.

“We are now removing content containing the phrase ‘stop the steal’ under our Coordinating Harm policy from Facebook and Instagram,” the company said in a blog post on Monday. The move, the company noted in the message, comes two months after it removed a group called "Stop the Steal" that had gathered a following of over 300,000 members and would spread misinformation about the election.

“We’ve been allowing robust conversations related to the election outcome and that will continue. But with continued attempts to organize events against the outcome of the US presidential election that can lead to violence, and use of the term by those involved in Wednesday’s violence in DC, we’re taking this additional step in the lead up to the inauguration,” the company said in the post Monday.

“It may take some time to scale up our enforcement of this new step but we have already removed a significant number of posts,” it continued.

The company said its team will be working around the clock to enforce its policies around the coming inauguration of President-elect Biden.

“We will keep our Integrity Operations Center operating at least through January 22 to monitor and respond to threats in real time. We already had it active ahead of Georgia’s runoff elections and Congress’s counting of the Electoral College votes in the US presidential election. We extended it due to the violence at the Capitol last week,” the company added.

The company also said it will continue its pause on ads in the U.S. pertaining to politics or the elections in the meantime. “This means that we aren’t allowing any ads from politicians, including President Trump,” it stated.

“His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world,” Zuckerberg said at the time. “We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great.”
I am relaxed
I can group 3 rounds with my Sako at 300 yards within 4"/no problem
Anyway, this is a good song :)

I'm thinking this will get Joe off to a good start, the republicans will be divided and have their tails tucked between their legs. Donald hopefully is going down in flames and taking the GOP with him along with his base.

Kinda clears the playing field off in a hurry and resets things. Joe should get his cabinet, plan and budget approved ASAP. The government can walk and chew gum at the same time, deal with Donald and implement Joe's agenda. I think Joe will have the situation improved greatly by June 1st, though you will lose a half million by March thanks to Trump.
So living in moms basement and demanding organic meals in jail, sounds about right.

Martha Chansley referred to her son as a “patriot” and the “gentlest person I know.“

Sounds like the q-shaman has an enabler at his side.
Killin in the name of.....

Several US Capitol Police officers have reportedly been suspended after welcoming pro-Trump rioters into the building. 10 to 15 officers under investigation, lawmaker says.
Fucking Historical/True/Accurate/ Comedic/Sane fucking commentary
This is where we are, right now & that is very, very fucking sad/tragic
Nothing really funny at all actually, but I innately laugh at horrific events, I don't why, but I just do, I guess it's just a fucking weird coping mechanism
I'm laughing now
Fucking sad, right?
I think so

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Fucking Historical/True/Accurate/ Comedic/Sane fucking commentary
This is where we are, right now & that is very, very fucking sad/tragic
Nothing really funny at all actually, but I innately laugh at horrific events, I don't why, but I just do, I guess it's just a fucking weird coping mechanism
I'm laughing now
Fucking sad, right?
I think so

Here's why. Me too.

Peace and sanity all.

I just want to throw this into the mix.
I fucking love the Irish, maybe that's because I am one & but I'm also still trying to figure out whether thats a curse or a blessing :)
Anyway, they're entertaining/fun/good hearted & at the end of the road that's all that fucking counts, right?
