Cannabis stocks

I new here, just planning my first grow. I am retired and one of my hobbies is investing in the stock market. I have done pretty good with Acb, cgc, and now tcnnf. Any thoughts on these or other stocks to look at ?
Somewhat. I think Canopy will survive, it has a big financial backer. Aurora is a different story. They have not established any connection to larger, better financed companies like Coors or Constellation brands. They have lots of weed, not enough places to sell it, and maybe not enough cash to survive. The TCNNF has 30 odd dispensary locations in Florida, a large market. And they are actually showing a profit. If ACB doesn’t have a good 4th quarter, I think it’s done. I sold out of ACB at ~10 and CGC at 40. I didn’t get the highs, but I did very nicely. This has been a bad year for the cannabis companies.
I think you would be best looking into supporting companies that support the industry. Miracle grow, ag advancements, medical companies that supply to both medical and cannabis industry, etc. These are where the longstanding branding help your investment, and the volatility that comes with the weed market doesn't affect your investment as much to the negative. While the weed market goes up, so does your investment. Historically, investing directly into pot stocks or pot specific companies has not been a safe investment. I absolutely think that some of that is about to change, particularly in relation to pot specific cryptocurrencies considering the access and education levels regarding decentralization are rising in combination with the access to weed itself expanding to different states. In short, if you want safe and confirmed investments, do more research on the periphery supporting companies with historically strong stocks. If you're trying to get into pot specifically, I would watch and wait.
I think you would be best looking into supporting companies that support the industry. Miracle grow, ag advancements, medical companies that supply to both medical and cannabis industry, etc. These are where the longstanding branding help your investment, and the volatility that comes with the weed market doesn't affect your investment as much to the negative. While the weed market goes up, so does your investment. Historically, investing directly into pot stocks or pot specific companies has not been a safe investment. I absolutely think that some of that is about to change, particularly in relation to pot specific cryptocurrencies considering the access and education levels regarding decentralization are rising in combination with the access to weed itself expanding to different states. In short, if you want safe and confirmed investments, do more research on the periphery supporting companies with historically strong stocks. If you're trying to get into pot specifically, I would watch and wait.
What stock would you consider to be the stand out for a longer term investment?
I think you would be best looking into supporting companies that support the industry. Miracle grow, ag advancements, medical companies that supply to both medical and cannabis industry, etc. These are where the longstanding branding help your investment, and the volatility that comes with the weed market doesn't affect your investment as much to the negative. While the weed market goes up, so does your investment. Historically, investing directly into pot stocks or pot specific companies has not been a safe investment. I absolutely think that some of that is about to change, particularly in relation to pot specific cryptocurrencies considering the access and education levels regarding decentralization are rising in combination with the access to weed itself expanding to different states. In short, if you want safe and confirmed investments, do more research on the periphery supporting companies with historically strong stocks. If you're trying to get into pot specifically, I would watch and wait.

I’ve had SMG, if you bought it last January, you made about 60%. Sadly, I bought and sold it before then. My best trades are as always, the patient ones. I made a little bit, but not close to 60%.....
I’ve looked at other pot related stocks, but I am most interested in somebody doing retail. Ag producers seldom have the margin processors and retailers do.

TCNNF is up to 40+ locations. They have recently bought some assets from MedMen. IMHO, MedMen is a zombie. They are attempting to pay suppliers with stock. The only way the suppliers would do that is if there is nothing else to get. I think TCNNF might hit $20 before years end. MedMen I think will go to zero before then. MedMen had a real flashy start, lots of media coverage, including a appearance on Mad Money. I was disappointed that Cramer gave them that exposure, I don’t think it was warranted. MedMen has been selling assets including licenses.

MMNNF is down approximately 95% from its high. Pretty brutal.

Anybody have any ideas they’d like to share?

Historically they do a big shift in profits withinin the second quarter. Might be a good place to make a quick return and reinvest in emerging markets later in the third quarter.

I've been looking into biomedical manufacturing companies lately. Specifically companies dealing with Autoimmune therapies.

OTCMKTS: CSLLY looks good, but pricey. Very good long term bet though.

NASDAQ: LGND should recover in the next year and make a tidy profit.

Shipping and transport companies should recover in the 4th quarter.
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I own a bunch of Lotus cannabis, seems like it is starting to get a bit of traction.
and i just got into DGTL last week seems like it may giver