Running co2 and ventilation


Active Member
I have purchased a RAM co2 controller and monitor.. firstly has anyone used these? How good are they?
Secondly when I start running the co2 I’m trying to figure out what setup with timing etc.. I am going to set the canister and controller and regulator uo in my room and am going have tubing on the ceiling over my girls but what’s schedule shall I implement? My room isn’t completely sealed but is pretty well sealed, I have an exhaust fan with a speed adjuster so I can have it running slow.. when I run the co2 to 1200 ppm shall I have the exhaust fan on low or off completely ? Should I run the co2 in bursts with the fan off or low? How long should I have the room to the desired ppm limit before I recycle the air? Like how low long do the plants need to use the co2 in the room? If anyone has had any experience with this and can help would appreciate it


Well-Known Member
I have purchased a RAM co2 controller and monitor.. firstly has anyone used these? How good are they?
Secondly when I start running the co2 I’m trying to figure out what setup with timing etc.. I am going to set the canister and controller and regulator uo in my room and am going have tubing on the ceiling over my girls but what’s schedule shall I implement? My room isn’t completely sealed but is pretty well sealed, I have an exhaust fan with a speed adjuster so I can have it running slow.. when I run the co2 to 1200 ppm shall I have the exhaust fan on low or off completely ? Should I run the co2 in bursts with the fan off or low? How long should I have the room to the desired ppm limit before I recycle the air? Like how low long do the plants need to use the co2 in the room? If anyone has had any experience with this and can help would appreciate it
I'm new to co2 as well, running an autopilot controller. I have it set for 1350 +/- 200 PPM but I'm in flower. It was closer to 1000 ppm in veg. I didn't seal my room very well and went through 20 lbs in a month. I changed my exhaust fan to suck the hot air from over the lights and blow it back into the growroom. I have to run it wide open to keep the canopy temps under 30C. I also run my AC to keep my temps good. I don't exhaust my air with the co2 setup. I don't think you should have to. It keeps a pretty steady 600-800 PPM overnight; the lights come on and the co2 sensor picks that up and runs the level up to 1550 first thing. As long as the lights are on the plants will use co2; veg or flower. Lots of people on here with more knowledge than me on co2 though.

all coco

Well-Known Member
Ideally it would be completely sealed with a heater, mini split and dehumidifier for climate control. If you have to exhaust for temps exhaust into a lung room with a dehumidifier you don't want to just exhaust out your co2 and waste it.