January 6th, 2021

Maybe Stinky is not going to be there because of another coup attempt.

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Let the slaughter begin, next time will be different, of that you can be sure. Shock and awe will begin with the arrests of hundreds of these clowns who committed sedition and I figure over 500 of these fucks will be in jail or out on bail by inauguration day. If they show up in DC armed they will be shot down in the streets, if not many heads will roll after the 20th. If they show up at all, they might be arrested out of hand or have their mugshots compared to the videos of the capital coup.

There are gonna be a lot of shocked and bewildered morons in court when they get sentenced for this shit, the book is gonna be thrown at them with great force and hit these assholes right between the fucking eyes. Sack the capital and threaten the congress in a terrorist act and see what happens. Move the non violent drug offenders out of the federal prison system and make some room for these fucking clowns. 5 year minimum sentences for anybody on the capital grounds who participated or just wandered through the halls of congress with a stupid look on their face.

Got to wonder what troll using a female avatar convinced him that posting that picture was a good idea.

I really would love to play around with a data set of all these idiots online activity.

Set up a heat map with activity around major life events (divorce, death in family, etc) and I would bet a pattern will jump out when you have a couple hundred of these potential domestic terrorists to analyze.
Got to wonder what troll using a female avatar convinced him that posting that picture was a good idea.

I really would love to play around with a data set of all these idiots online activity.

Set up a heat map with activity around major life events (divorce, death in family, etc) and I would bet a pattern will jump out when you have a couple hundred of these potential domestic terrorists to analyze.

he needs his tennis elbow strap to lift up the rifle in his right hand. LMAO!!!
i'm willing to die to protect my family and country but not trumpf.
Nor the lies that 'Trump media' (in the Georgia call when he was told not to believe what he read on social media, and he said he doesn't care about social media, that it was Trump media) or whatever it was that he is using to con his cultists.

@31minutes in.
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Got to wonder what troll using a female avatar convinced him that posting that picture was a good idea.

I really would love to play around with a data set of all these idiots online activity.

Set up a heat map with activity around major life events (divorce, death in family, etc) and I would bet a pattern will jump out when you have a couple hundred of these potential domestic terrorists to analyze.
that was my alt
Nor the lies that 'Trump media' (in the Georgia call when he was told not to believe what he read on social media, and he said he doesn't care about social media, that it was Trump media) or whatever it was that he is using to con his cultists.

does he really believe that he really won the election? or is this just an attempt to buy more time to figure out how best to deal with the arrest warrants at 12:01? man, i'd love to know the truth.
does he really believe that he really won the election? or is this just an attempt to buy more time to figure out how best to deal with the arrest warrants at 12:01? man, i'd love to know the truth.
Nah, he is just being a pushy sales guy.

Date rape mentality.

These are examples of what Trump thinks he is.
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he needs his tennis elbow strap to lift up the rifle in his right hand. LMAO!!!
I knew gun owning home defense types here in Canada, both are dead from heart attacks. They owned assault rifles (before the ban) and were not the hunting gun owner variety, who tend to still be around.

Growing up we owned guns and I used to hunt with my dad and as a young man, but it's something that has faded way for most Canadians. My buddy is a retired NS forest ranger who gave the mandatory gun safety courses 20 years ago and he observed the drop off in interest as people became more urbanized and lost their connection to the land, or at least hunting on it.
Got to wonder what troll using a female avatar convinced him that posting that picture was a good idea.

I really would love to play around with a data set of all these idiots online activity.

Set up a heat map with activity around major life events (divorce, death in family, etc) and I would bet a pattern will jump out when you have a couple hundred of these potential domestic terrorists to analyze.
Could have been his ex wife! :lol:
does he really believe that he really won the election?
He believes believing it makes it true. Can’t admit to himself he lost. When Pat Robertson said Trump lives in an alternative reality many people laughed comsidering the source but the difference between them is that Pat doesn’t believe his own bullshit. Pat thought they were doing the same thing, conning people, but ended up realizing Trump’s on a whole ‘nother level of delusional. The rest is by-product. There’s no method to his madness.
does he really believe that he really won the election? or is this just an attempt to buy more time to figure out how best to deal with the arrest warrants at 12:01? man, i'd love to know the truth.
You could be right though. Thinking back to my dad, it was almost both. He would almost seem to simultaneuously understand he was full of shit, but would be in such a Karen mode that he could also believe every stupid thing he said. Until at some point he would just say anything and everything in a 'authority' voice to try to get his way.

And when enough people just gave in or cut him off I think it hardens his belief that he is right, or at least in the right.

He believes believing it makes it true. Can’t admit to himself he lost. When Pat Robertson said Trump lives in an alternative reality many people laughed comsidering the source but the difference between them is that Pat doesn’t believe his own bullshit. Pat thought they were doing the same thing, conning people, but ended up realizing Trump’s on a whole ‘nother level of delusional. The rest is by-product. There’s no method to his madness.
Well said.