6" and 117CFM intake paired with 4" and 264CFM outake?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.

I only have available the fans i described in the title. 117CFM 6", and 264CFM 4".

Can i use de 6" and less potent fan as an intake although the outake fan will be smaller in diameter but with double the air flow?
My odor filter is also 4", i dont know if paired with the filter, the 264CFM will be enough.

Im planning to close the room and have air taken from and exhausted to the outside through a window i will cover with plywood and have air flow holes in it.
So there will be something like 2-3 feet from the window to the intake vent hole in the tent, you think it will work being passive?
Im planning to close the room and have air taken from and exhausted to the outside through a window i will cover with plywood and have air flow holes in it.
So there will be something like 2-3 feet from the window to the intake vent hole in the tent, you think it will work being passive?
Yeah it can work I’ve done the same thing before. Just use ducting so the fan can be at the other side of the room to the intake