It's now up to him to worry about the next action taken against him, he might be toast by the end of the weekend. Mitch has nothing to lose now and Donald's usefulness to them is over. I think they could impeach him, Mitch only needs 16 or 17 votes and Pence is POTUS for 10 days. The GOP is broken and divided, let them rush the capital again over it and see what happens next time.
I think Donald is done and if the house passed articles of impeachment with an up down vote, Mitch could do the same in the senate and use a secret ballot too if he wished. Either he is gonna do Donald or Chucky will impeach him post presidency in a very public and very embarrassing public impeachment trial to prevent him from holding office again after he is criminally convicted.
Donald and his supporters lost their white privilege yesterday, not right away, but with democratic control of the government it will happen.