I germinate by putting seeds in rapid rooters directly in my media ( hydro ton). I also had issues early on with tap roots drying out or seedlings being over watered. You need to set the water level just enough that the peat moss is saturated, but not fully. the water level here is criticsl. I also drop water from the top occasionally if I'm concerned there isn't enough moisture. Gradually as the taproot develops downward into the media, you'll need to lower the water level do it doesn't drown. You'll pick up on it just like I did. You need to be careful and check on it a few times a day. Keeping a cup/dome over the seedlings helps keep the peat moss moist too.
can you achieve the same thing without hydroton though? I am wanting to germinate into these rapid rooters and then placing directly into a flood and drain with no media in my new system I’m building. I want to rid myself of all the hydroton.
My aim was to have the seeds growing in a RR for 2 weeks or so fully root it out and then place it directly into my flood and drain at 2 weeks but it doesn’t look like a promising method atm