January 6th, 2021

Fortunately for you folks they are all fucking morons! :lol: Unfortunately they can vote! o_O

Seldom has fate delivered them to you in such a concentrated form, Donald has gathered every psycho, conman and fucking idiot in America to his banner. A real moron magnet for magats...

Who would have thought the halls of congress could yield such entertainment in the middle of mayhem. I gotta tell ya, this one can make ya laugh and cry alternatively.
Question: Whats more stupid than Americans gathering to protest trump losing the election?

Answer: Canadians gathering to protest trump losing the election.

Piss off, get your own autocratic lunatic, eh.
Does this mean the US is not going to be invited to monitor elections overseas anymore? Today marks the end of America's influence everywhere unless the influence is paid for. I can hear people laughing from across big water, Big ocean water. I swear I have never seen so many instances of stolen valor as I saw today. Big fat ass slobs who say they wish they had fought in Vietnam or the middle east but couldn't because of bone spurs. Wouldn't have found many in the crowd who got an exemption because they were university students. Should the capital building have been defended more aggressively? If it had been the breach could have been stopped very quickly and maybe it should have been. The Trumpist are meeting at the "Waffle House" tomorrow morning to plan they're next move. Thankfully with the closed Twitter account Donald won't be able to give them any guidance.
Question: Whats more stupid than Americans gathering to protest trump losing the election?

Answer: Canadians gathering to protest trump losing the election.

Farmers, dumb farmers. Things get a little squirrely the farther you move from civilization. Also bullet proof vests are illegal here for the general public.

As far as blaming the attack on antifa and BLM, they have been at it for hours already. I never thought to mention it.
Ya know what?
I don't think I've ever undergone such an extreme range of emotion in a single day in my fucked up life ( besides the 1st time I ate LSD :) )
I awoke this morning reading the news that Georgia went Blue, finally, & rejoiced/said fucking Hallelujah
Then, this afternoon occurred with the assault/mayhem/murder in the Capitol Building instigated/initiated/demanded by Trump, & that sorta/definitely demolished/fucking destroyed my head & eliminated that one fucking bright moment in my day.
Oh, fucking well :)
Reality fucking sucks, it really does, doesn't it?
It's time for some whiskey/herb/music.
Those are items that I can count on to make my passage thru Existence somewhat palatable :)
This is a very old Irish tune, the Coulin, which is sorta like a dirge, a lament for love lost.
I love/hate it, but it seems appropriate now for this moment, seeing as I'm very fucking sad/pissed off :(
I'll give you 2 versions, 1 with harp & 1 with violin
Both excellent

Ya know what?
I don't think I've ever undergone such an extreme range of emotion in a single day in my fucked up life ( besides the 1st time I ate LSD :) )
I awoke this morning reading the news that Georgia went Blue, finally, & rejoiced/said fucking Hallelujah
Then, this afternoon occurred with the assault/mayhem/murder in the Capitol Building instigated/initiated/demanded by Trump, & that sorta/definitely demolished/fucking destroyed my head & eliminated that one fucking bright moment in my day.
Oh, fucking well :)
Reality fucking sucks, it really does, doesn't it?
It's time for some whiskey/herb/music.
Those are items that I can count on to make my passage thru Existence somewhat palatable :)
This is a very old Irish tune, the Coulin, which is sorta like a dirge, a lament for love lost.
I love/hate it, but it seems appropriate now for this moment, seeing as I'm very fucking sad/pissed off :(
I'll give you 2 versions, 1 with harp & 1 with violin
Both excellent

Do you know of Fever Ray?

Ancestry.com makes a playlist of music from your ancestral land (s) and there was Sinead O’Connor and this Fever Ray. I had never heard of her but I really like it, in a haunting, scot kind of way.

From trump’s top notch legal team. Rudy meant to send this message to Tommy Tuberville.

Honest to fuck

Yeah, saw that on the news. The investigations into this shit storm will sure be interesting, can't wait for the miniseries. Trump's trial will definitely be first class entertainment I hope it's on TV, they chain him to the chair and ball gag the fucker. I'm pretty sure that's how it's gonna end up, at least for his first trial, subsequent trials will be from his prison facility via video, they have a mute button so no need for a ball gag then.