Ya know what?
I don't think I've ever undergone such an extreme range of emotion in a single day in my fucked up life ( besides the 1st time I ate LSD

I awoke this morning reading the news that Georgia went Blue, finally, & rejoiced/said fucking Hallelujah
Then, this afternoon occurred with the assault/mayhem/murder in the Capitol Building instigated/initiated/demanded by Trump, & that sorta/definitely demolished/fucking destroyed my head & eliminated that one fucking bright moment in my day.
Oh, fucking well

Reality fucking sucks, it really does, doesn't it?
It's time for some whiskey/herb/music.
Those are items that I can count on to make my passage thru Existence somewhat palatable

This is a very old Irish tune, the Coulin, which is sorta like a dirge, a lament for love lost.
I love/hate it, but it seems appropriate now for this moment, seeing as I'm very fucking sad/pissed off

I'll give you 2 versions, 1 with harp & 1 with violin
Both excellent