Possible nute burn?


Active Member
Hey im at week 5 of flower im im running into a slight issue that seems to be spreading

Growing in soil using athena nutrients

Rootzone ec is at about 2.4 ec checked using a bluelab pulse meter

Grown under a 600wat zeus pro led 40cm away set at 90 percent.. Hitting about 850ppfd at the highest tops

Through the majority of flower i was watering at 6.5 ph and the run off was coming out at 7.1ph

I know checking run off isnt to accurate but i felt like the run off was creeping up a bit high so i dropped my starting ph down to 6.0 which gave me a run off ph of 6.8

Ill be honest when i dropped the ph is just about when i started seeing the burnt leaves pop up so i might of answered my own question there

Anyways see what you guys think.. be nice getting some opinions before i go go changing to much



Active Member
You may be worrying to much
Yeah maybe mate.. I know its only a minor problem but it seems to be spreading pretty rapid..so i wouldnt mind getting on top of whatever is causing it before it gets any worse


Well-Known Member
How far is your light away and 6.8 ph is a little high
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Active Member
How far is your light away and 6.8 ph is a little high
Its about 40cm away.. Probably hitting around 850ppfd at the highest tops

I would of put it down to light burn but the leaves that are looking slightly burnt are right at the edges with much lower light levels


Active Member
Got you get yer ph down a bit maybe to about 5.8 to 6.5
Yeah this could be the issue yano.. Think my run off was coming out at 7.2 before i dropped it down

Ive got a soil ph meter getting delivered anyday now so i might drop todays feeding down to 5.8 and see if that stops it spreading before i do a proper root zone ph test


Well-Known Member
Don't fuck with the pH if you're growing in peat based soil mix, you should stay where you are at the higher side to counteract the low pH of the soil/peat mix. Just looks like slight overfeeding to me.

The nutrient should come out at lower pH though. Do you have really hard water?
And last of all. If you saw deficiencies after lowering pH why do you still consider lowering it even more?


Active Member
Don't fuck with the pH if you're growing in peat based soil mix, you should stay where you are at the higher side to counteract the low pH of the soil/peat mix. Just looks like slight overfeeding to me.

The nutrient should come out at lower pH though. Do you have really hard water?
And last of all. If you saw deficiencies after lowering pH why do you still consider lowering it even more?
Yeah tbf my soil is 60% peat 40%coco

I was thinking with my run off ph coming out at 7.2 id drop it down from 6.5 to 6.0 to see if that brings it down a bit

That is a very good point mate.. Ive done a few grows in the past without even adjusting the ph so maybe that is the issue

Think ive got my self deep in a hole of chasing my runoff ph which could be the problem i suppose

The soil is pre buffered to 6.5

I just fed them at 5.8 ph and my run off ph is back at 7.2 so fuk knows

Yeah im pretty sure the little burnt leaf issue did pop up when i lowered my ph

My water quality is shit

7.2 ph out of the tap
0.7 ec


Well-Known Member
Yeah tbf my soil is 60% peat 40%coco

I was thinking with my run off ph coming out at 7.2 id drop it down from 6.5 to 6.0 to see if that brings it down a bit

That is a very good point mate.. Ive done a few grows in the past without even adjusting the ph so maybe that is the issue

Think ive got my self deep in a hole of chasing my runoff ph which could be the problem i suppose

The soil is pre buffered to 6.5

I just fed them at 5.8 ph and my run off ph is back at 7.2 so fuk knows

Yeah im pretty sure the little burnt leaf issue did pop up when i lowered my ph

My water quality is shit

7.2 ph out of the tap
0.7 ec
Oh fuck, you can almost chew that water lol! You have very hard water and you need no buffers to combat low pH. I would feed at pH 6.0 and call it a day. Cheers!


Active Member
Oh fuck, you can almost chew that water lol! You have very hard water and you need no buffers to combat low pH. I would feed at pH 6.0 and call it a day. Cheers!
Ha yeah its pretty bad.. My taps in the house end up white in a week or so after a good clean

Well i got a soil ph meter delivered today and my root zone ph is spot on at 6.5

Just goes to show checking runoff ph is useless

My runoff ph today was 7.3.. So a big difference compared to 6.5 using the right equipment to check the root zone

Maybe id dropped my ph to low chasing the run off and that big swing made it take up more nutes causing a bit of burn?

Im thinking ive probably been feeding to high at about 2.5 ec

On my feed chart theres light normal and heavy feeding schedules

Id been using the normal feed chart but ignoring my background ec which was putting my ec at the high end of the heavy feeding chart if that makes sense

Dropped back down to the light feeding chart today which brings my ec out at the normal feeding levels

Is it highly likley a rootzone ec of 2.4 in soil would cause nute burn?