Random Jabber Jibber thread

Welcome back and congratulations on the growing baby, my granddaughter will be 1 year old in 2 weeks! Time flies. I buy my carts here:
I've been wanting to try and make a batch of vape juice/oil. Has anyone done it? I found this recipe and it looks fairly simple
I pay $45-50 a gram for cartridges and more important I don't trust what's in them!!

Any good recipes out there, or tips, like how to add flavors?
I've been wanting to try and make a batch of vape juice/oil. Has anyone done it? I found this recipe and it looks fairly simple
I pay $45-50 a gram for cartridges and more important I don't trust what's in them!!

Any good recipes out there, or tips, like how to add flavors?
The nice thing about CCELL IS THAT ohshitcapslock they don’t use PG or any diluent.
Straight distillate goes in, pure vapor comes out.
I home-distill using technique and equipment scrounged from when I was a lab pro.
I've been wanting to try and make a batch of vape juice/oil. Has anyone done it? I found this recipe and it looks fairly simple
I pay $45-50 a gram for cartridges and more important I don't trust what's in them!!

Any good recipes out there, or tips, like how to add flavors?
CN above me got you. I'm sure if you PM him he'd 'WAX' (he he) poetic over his oil and how to make it. It's an involved process so I just give him trim and older flower and pure distillate shows back up :)
I've been reading in the Concentrates and Extracts thread...It does sound complex and involved. With a lot of different ways to make it.

I am soooo pissed...I just got a partial order from GrowGeneration of 4 Agrosun Red 1000 watt bulbs. All 4 of them are USED....looks like about 3 months of use on each one. Customer service is closed til Monday. Never again...They are drop shippers and they must have some weird network of vendors, because most things have been coming in used boxes.
I've been wanting to try and make a batch of vape juice/oil. Has anyone done it? I found this recipe and it looks fairly simple
I pay $45-50 a gram for cartridges and more important I don't trust what's in them!!

Any good recipes out there, or tips, like how to add flavors?
PM me
Will there be a sequel to "Arrogant Stupid people"?

Perhaps we may see a "Mean Mods Delete threads"?

Best Pap£ En GIFs | Gfycat
I had this vision in my head, a place where anyone can say whatever they want. Fuck topics and staying on them.

I'll get things kicking.

I'm sitting on my toilet making a thread as I take a shit and rub my finger in between my head and my forskin and smelling it every once in awhile. It smells like a camp fire.

Now you go.

I'm sitting here reading this junkie nonsense ahahaha
doxing one's own self?

It has come to my attention that someone I have known for a long time is dumber than I thought.:???:

They have been house hunting for a while. On Thursday they bought a place.:clap:

On Friday they posted a google map of their address on social media..
Idiot animated emoticon

Google maps GIF - Find on GIFER

View attachment 4772384
Posting their address was not enough advertisement for them.

Yesterday they posted the Realtor ad.

Complete with address, several photos and the $$$$$.
Pic from the web. This is not the house they bought.

Quiet Disapproval GIF - No Nope SMH - Discover & Share GIFs