Plant growing very slow

You got seedlings under 1000 watts thas a lot. Is it like a real led board with good diodes n shit or like one one of those blurple ones.
It’s not one of the real nice ones ... but I got 2 other seeds in there doing great so I don’t know why just one of them got stunted


Well-Known Member
For seedlings you want warm (80s f ) and humidity about 65-70% rh . You can use a bottle for a dome if you can’t achieve high humidity. Also your light is “1000 watts “ listed by the advertiser . But if you read the actual power draw I’d bet it’s probably 100-200 watts . It’s the draw at the wall that counts . That in correlation with your umoles or ppe or par .This way you are truly shopping bang for buck . Also how far are you setting the light at ? Seedlings are usually 24-36 inches . Also ,when making posts for help , it really helps the community diagnose your issues when you list all the details about the grow . Soil , light , nutes , ect ect . Good luck
Light is 1000w yehsence from amazon it’s placed about 2 feet above the seedlings.. (I know it’s not the best light I could have bought) I’ve never seen a plant form the way it has .. I have 3 others in the same exact conditions ( temperature stays between 68° - 74° , humidity 60% - 70% they have been planted into solo cups with fox farm happy frog soil mixed with perlite so far I have not used any nutrients on them


Well-Known Member
Light is 1000w yehsence from amazon it’s placed about 2 feet above the seedlings.. (I know it’s not the best light I could have bought) I’ve never seen a plant form the way it has .. I have 3 others in the same exact conditions ( temperature stays between 68° - 74° , humidity 60% - 70% they have been planted into solo cups with fox farm happy frog soil mixed with perlite so far I have not used any nutrients on them
Temps need to be warmer , low to mid 80s .


Well-Known Member
There are drain holes .. should I try drying the medium out ..?
They look a little wet to me too. I would let them dry a little, but not too much. Shoot for a slightly damp medium and go real light on the waterings. IME they only need a shot glass or so (1-2 oz) and water around the drip line, away from the stem.