Day 37 auto

If your plant isn't flowering by now, waiting to flip will only cause more vegetative growth which benefits a photo, but not so much an auto.
I flip everything at 3 weeks, autos and photos, and everything flowers....has for 15 yrs. Never think an auto 'requires" more light, only that autos 'can handle' it.
If your plant isn't flowering by now, waiting to flip will only cause more vegetative growth which benefits a photo, but not so much an auto.
I flip everything at 3 weeks, autos and photos, and everything flowers....has for 15 yrs. Never think an auto 'requires" more light, only that autos 'can handle' it.
Getting a little skeptical on space tbh one looks like it could take up the whole 3x3 and I have three
So decided to flip them 12/12 after a week of waiting ... so say I go in there tomorrow and they have pre flowers showing ...does this mean I just was impatient and they r autos because no way preflower can just magically show in one session of darkness ?? Switch back to 18/6 ? Opinions needed
So decided to flip them 12/12 after a week of waiting ... so say I go in there tomorrow and they have pre flowers showing ...does this mean I just was impatient and they r autos because no way preflower can just magically show in one session of darkness ?? Switch back to 18/6 ? Opinions needed
give it until monday to show
So decided to flip them 12/12 after a week of waiting ... so say I go in there tomorrow and they have pre flowers showing ...does this mean I just was impatient and they r autos because no way preflower can just magically show in one session of darkness ?? Switch back to 18/6 ? Opinions needed
I would have just left it on 18/6. Some take longer to go into flower than others.
give it until monday to show
Monday to show preflowers and if it does then can confirm I was just inpatient and changing back to 18/6 won’t mess them up??I would do it but don’t want a revegging plant. Limited time that’s why I got the autos imo a waste haha
Reason I got them was for time but if these r autos what the hell is the difference between vegging a pheno for 6 weeks and then flipping them!?
I know mate, 60 day wonder strain gets dubbed 120 day wonder, a photo plant could be a monster with the right growers skill in this timeframe
This is why I don't and won't do autos
Autos get a bad rep from everything that is seen on here from new growers.

Been 45 days dont chya think a auto would at least show sex by now though ?

I just checked my photos for my current grow. At 44 days, some weren't showing pistils yet, while one was a week or so into flower.

Monday to show preflowers and if it does then can confirm I was just inpatient and changing back to 18/6 won’t mess them up??I would do it but don’t want a revegging plant. Limited time that’s why I got the autos imo a waste haha

Any plant that you've never grown before and expecting a certain timeframe for it to finish is just wishful thinking. Breeders webpage estimates on finish times are more often than not embellished with early timeframes.
Wishful thinking for sure Just have to choose a better seed provider next time I do you think if they show writhing a few days I could put it back to 18:6 or that’s a call I would have to make I’ll post pics in am of nodes and see what you guys have to say because it would only be two days of 12/12