Crazy Mexican girl accuses black teen on stealing her phone


Well-Known Member
So what is the goal here? For her to kill herself? Makes me sick that the media and that musician put this girl on blast. I'm not even convinced that it was racial, because he just looks really stupid and crazy to me. But she is a little 22 year old, barely an adult, and they put her on full blast. Even made news in Japan. Shit, you used to have to kill a few people to make international news. Is this where we are now as a society? Destroy people for mistakes? That father who used his fame to do this to the girl is a real piece of shit in my opinion. Charge her with a crime if one happened, looks like the big man musician had a scratch on his finger after all.

He has one gripe that I can agree with, the hotel acted wrongly, but give the girl a break. They won't be happy till she is dead it seems.
She's a racist piece of shit and things like this will make her think twice about being a racist again. And I don't think she's "Mexican". The proper vernacular is Hispanic, mr. racial profiler (Oh the irony right there, op)

I think as a society we need to think about the damage we cause to people by making them famous for something like this. The damage far outstrips the "crime."
Very true in a lot of recent events.. Over reactionary seems to be the new norm.
She's a racist piece of shit and things like this will make her think twice about being a racist again. And I don't think she's "Mexican". The proper vernacular is Hispanic, mr. racial profiler (Oh the irony right there, op)

The irony was on purpose, thought it would make some laugh. Not you though. But yes, the little 22 year old girl assaulted the 14 year old. Beat the fck out of him.
What about the woman that ran over 2 kids on a cross walk with their parents. She hit the brakes to remove the one on the hood, and proceeded to again drive forward over the child... That case is getting less press than this silly shit
Weak fucking sauce, Mr. Whadabout
So what is the goal here? For her to kill herself? Makes me sick that the media and that musician put this girl on blast. I'm not even convinced that it was racial, because he just looks really stupid and crazy to me. But she is a little 22 year old, barely an adult, and they put her on full blast. Even made news in Japan. Shit, you used to have to kill a few people to make international news. Is this where we are now as a society? Destroy people for mistakes? That father who used his fame to do this to the girl is a real piece of shit in my opinion. Charge her with a crime if one happened, looks like the big man musician had a scratch on his finger after all.

He has one gripe that I can agree with, the hotel acted wrongly, but give the girl a break. They won't be happy till she is dead it seems.
I'll simply ignore this post. I'm better off.
Funny, easy for us to see that Trump using media to target somebody is wrong. But media targeting this girl to make a buck we have no problem with. It’s just so wrong, interesting that some can’t see that.