January 6th, 2021

"They is taking over!" man the ramparts and sacrifices have to be made for the white tribe? They don't think like Americans, they think like a tribe at war with others in America.

We want the good life where America was Number 1 without even trying. How dare all those countries compete with us? How can the Leftists/Globalists/Democrats approve of America being hollowed out?
I don't think we can necessarily say this is the case.

I can imagine the ability to create new bias through repetitive propaganda spam reenforced with real time trolls pushing the same bullshit over and over, then attacking them for any weakness in their stance creating a second guess to the actual facts. Then over a few more years those bubbles start to harden and they get trained all the time to combat rationality and non-populous messaging.
This is true, we can change, but it is also true we tend to believe the first thing were hear and then discount subsequent information that contradicts this. Just as biases can be confirmed, they can also be eroded, this is both a problem and a solution.

I have no idea what this means. Science is replicable. I think you may be confusing bullshit youtube videos for science. To actually understand the science means you had to have earned that knowledge, it doesn't just happen by osmosis.
The scientific process itself is a process of removing biases, facts not beliefs. The standards of evidence differ for different branches of science, reproducibility is empirical in astronomy and double blinded placebo studies are not required in most branches of science to determine the facts. In areas where results are not easily ascertained or judged, the rules have to be tighter. Reproducibly is one thing, causation is another, one can reproduce results without understanding causes and causes are what science is all about.

In physics it simple, the data must agree with the theory or the theory is wrong. When new data becomes available that contradicts an existing theory, then that theory is wrong, though sometimes usable until something better comes along. Newton's theory of gravitation is wrong, but his calculus based on that theory is still used, it is good enough for the purposes it is used for. Like wise relativity breaks down on smaller size scales and quantum theory must be used. All three of the traditional theories in physics are technically wrong, but correctly predict things and are thus useful to engineers. Newton, special relativity and quantum theory are all wrong, but useable and to an extent correct. They offer a peek behind the curtain to the true nature of reality.
Us as in true Americans. Everyone else is the collective 'them'. Just summing up from the people I troll on Newsmax. Well did, I managed to get 40,000 likes, comments, hates. That is good enough. Just commenting on the covid thing here or there. Actually a large influx of new people on both sides. No need for me to stir things up there now.
Us as in true Americans. Everyone else is the collective 'them'. Just summing up from the people I troll on Newsmax. Well did, I managed to get 40,000 likes, comments, hates. That is good enough. Just commenting on the covid thing here or there. Actually a large influx of new people on both sides. No need for me to stir things up there now.
Us in that we are joined at the hip with them! Economically, environmentally and militarily, we share a power grid and sports leagues too. An example of an infrastructure program was an international one with Canada, the seaway to the great lakes, a very important economic one for both nations.
Senator Josh Hawley announced he plans to object during the Electoral College certification process set for January 6, 2021. The stunning announcement from the Republican junior senator from Missouri comes amid continued and baseless attacks on the 2020 general election from President Donald Trump and his surrogates, despite no evidence of systemic or widespread voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election that led to President-elect Joe Biden.
BREAKING: Senator Josh Hawley Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Certification (msn.com)
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Us in that we are joined at the hip with them! Economically, environmentally and militarily, we share a power grid and sports leagues too. An example of an infrastructure program was an international one with Canada, the seaway to the great lakes, a very important economic one for both nations.
Yes, I school Americans on how we are joined. But I was replying to why the right in the US feel the way they do. They want the good life and optimism of the 60's again. The problem with that is the world moved on. The 'left (including Rino's)' in the US realized the Us has to work with the rest of the world, the 'right' expects the rest of the world to obey or that they can just wall the US away.
Senator Josh Hawley announced he plans to object during the Electoral College certification process set for January 6, 2021. The stunning announcement from the Republican junior senator from Missouri comes amid continued and baseless attacks on the 2020 general election from President Donald Trump and his surrogates, despite no evidence of systemic or widespread voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election that led to President-elect Joe Biden.
BREAKING: Senator Josh Hawley Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Certification (msn.com)
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So it takes an extra two days before the count is accepted. Really, after all the shit show antics already gone through, it is just one more hoop. The problem though is the republicans can present 'evidence' without it being challenged, so the faithful will see the outcome (Biden elected) as proof of a rigged system. Nothing would have changed.
Senator Josh Hawley announced he plans to object during the Electoral College certification process set for January 6, 2021. The stunning announcement from the Republican junior senator from Missouri comes amid continued and baseless attacks on the 2020 general election from President Donald Trump and his surrogates, despite no evidence of systemic or widespread voter fraud that would have changed the outcome of the election that led to President-elect Joe Biden.
BREAKING: Senator Josh Hawley Announces Plans to Object to Electoral College Certification (msn.com)
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fine let them object, any attempt to install Trump as POTUS and deny Biden would result in civil war, a war they would lose. If it came to that, the blood of those who supported it would be required, depending on how badly they broke the constitution and how much shit ensued. They might not be happy with the new constitution, if they trash the old one bad enough.
Yes, I school Americans on how we are joined. But I was replying to why the right in the US feel the way they do. They want the good life and optimism of the 60's again. The problem with that is the world moved on. The 'left (including Rino's)' in the US realized the Us has to work with the rest of the world, the 'right' expects the rest of the world to obey or that they can just wall the US away.
The rest of the world views America more as an apartheid regime than a liberal democracy. Overt racism, legal hate crimes, voter suppression and massive differences in incarceration ratios add to this perception. The rest of the world is moving on, America is increasingly stuck in the past. Trump alone didn't cause the massive number of covid deaths, he had lot's of help, 47% of the voters helped and supported this act of mass murder and treason. Biased to the point of suicide I would say, their only hope is to peel off 20% of them and the only way to do that is to attack the disinformation network that sustains their delusion.

The divide in America is urban vs rural and they have different sources and access to information. Not very many minorities live in rural America except in the south east and the economic disparity between small town and rural America is large and growing. The republicans directly appeal to these regions making false promises on economic issues while fulfilling the social cultural ones when they can. Direct financial support for farmers is a good case in point, large farmers and corporations with international contracts are compensated for Trump's tariffs, small farmers (most by far) who sell to American grain merchants and brokers do not. This sells well to rural America while screwing them at the same time, the soybean, and corn farmers know this, most of them don't care and the rest are ignorant.
Do you really have to though? What happens when you don’t, and just enjoy and celebrate the fact Biden beat Trump and will be president?
That was a good post. I just want to respond to this.

I'm more relieved that Biden won rather than feeling celebration. It feels as if we won a battle but the war goes on.

That said, I'm planning on cooking a celebratory meal on Jan 6. Something involving a dead duck. Family will gather, dress up, nice meal, some wine and a cut throat game of Risk afterward. One can savor a win.
Us as in true Americans. Everyone else is the collective 'them'. Just summing up from the people I troll on Newsmax. Well did, I managed to get 40,000 likes, comments, hates. That is good enough. Just commenting on the covid thing here or there. Actually a large influx of new people on both sides. No need for me to stir things up there now.
yep, yep

There is a sense of entitlement and unjustified belief in American exceptionalism that is part of the radical authoritarian belief system. They have broken from reality.
That was a good post. I just want to respond to this.

I'm more relieved that Biden won rather than feeling celebration. It feels as if we won a battle but the war goes on.

That said, I'm planning on cooking a celebratory meal on Jan 6. Something involving a dead duck. Family will gather, dress up, nice meal, some wine and a cut throat game of Risk afterward. One can savor a win.
I'm still digging in and stocking up on MRE's until the 21st......