Cloning......... I suck, can you help?


Well-Known Member
I know alot of people have good success rates cloning...... I have a success rate of 33% when it comes to cloning but, the one out of three that made it was an accident...

1.) Ive got rockwool cubes, the hole only goes about half way down (1/2in) Do I only put the clone that deep?? or make it the whole waty through??

2.) What is better, gel or powder?? (i have the gel shit, rootmax)

3.) do all plant shrivel up and shit about a day after cutting?? its not browning or anything.... just lifeless, thats all.

3.) yes I have a humidity dome, yes everything is sterile, yes the bottom is warm, yes I have taken a clone before, yes I gave up on it, yes i threw it away, yes my buddy found it in the trash... with a root.

so, Im trying to steer away from the trash grow and be a successful cloner but they just dont look too good lying face down in the trays, could u help me out??
Hey GraF, I was just reading this as you PM'd me. Yeah face down sucks!
If you've tried everything and are still having problems, you may want to try this, the benefit here being that humidity is not an issue anymore, and the cutting is still attached to the plant as it roots, getting all it's nutes still.
It may be a pain in the ass, but I think you'll find your success rate goes up.
I am about to do this myself, shortly.
Ignore the title and use the info for cloning purposes.
let me tell you somethin, you are far too knowledgeable for me man!!!

that was a little too much, I think Im gonna pass on skinning my only mother plant!!! lol that is definately somethin I can look forward to in like 5 yrs though!! haha

basically, Im just wondering if what I am doing is right??

and do they usually fall over limp like that??? PLEASE!!!
heya graf,,, something that helps me alot is something called leaf shine. its a wax like stuff you spray on the clone and it helps to kinda seal it up so it doesnt get all limpish. im battin about 980 with my clones, but ive had strains that are easy to clones so far. im sure you know the steps in cloneing, so ill skip all that, and wish ya luck.
Hey Graf I had the same problem you are having. So what I did is build a aeroponics cloner. Dude it was easy as shit and I bought everything at Lowes. If you need some help, I will be glad to assist you with pitures, etc. Here is a pic of it now. This thing shows roots within 7-10days. Outta 50 clones ive had a 100% rate.


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Oh Man I was in the same boat as you are I also use rockwool and i finally got it down and my success rate is now 99%.
1. in the rockwool cube push your hole deeper with a something slim i usually use a never used phillips head screwdriver (sterilized)but not all the way through then soak the rockwool in a ph 6.5 water, (Nutrition is not as much of a concern as moisture is.)for about 8 hrs in the prop tent and squeeze out a little bitof the extra water so it is not too wet(no roots yet anyway)
2. When taking a cutting always plan on having at least one node underground in the hole, and 4 to 6 nodes above. My cuttings are about 2.5 to 3.5 inches tall plus appx another 1 inch below the surface. The stem width of my cuttings (at the cut) average 3/32 to 1/8+ inch. Trim off the leaf/shoot that goes underground with a razor blade before taking the cutting, and make the diagonal cut on the stem about 1/4 inch below it, use a new razor blade with a small piece of wood behind the stem to serve as anvil for making a clean cut.
3. I put my cutting IMMEDIATELY ino a tall shot glass of water and with my cloning powder AND gel ready ( since using both ive been very successful)
4. I first dip in the gel about an inch for 10 seconds wipe any excess off on the side of the jar and i also use powder but it's probably not needed, i tap the sides of the powder jar.
5. Then i lay my cutting down carefully on its side not to mess up any leaves and lightly slice little cuts not too deep in the powder part of the stem about three on two sides of the clone. this gives the rooting gel good starting place to do its job
as you push your clone into the rockwool you will see some of the powder and gel stay at the top thats okay it makes a good seal at the top of the cube.
6. The cube should NOT sit in water. As long as humidity is high you can spray with the 6.5 pH solution twice a day for three days and then once until six days ween them off spraying. But the humidity must be high, you should see condensation inside on the tent walls and maybe the leaves. I also spray the walls of the tent to keep it humid. Spray only the leaves not the cubes, and don't move the cuttings to check for roots on the seventh day and open the propagation tent for a half hour to see if they wilt if they do try again the next day and so on.
Keep in mind that the longer you have humid conditions the more likely it is to get mold or fungus. So rooting quickly is one way to avoid lengthy humid conditions.

and yeah after a day they will look a little rough but they'll come back.
That cloner is the cats ass I might even want those plans. LOL

Its much more simple using this aerocloner. No gel, hormones, rockwool, etc. Just plain 5.7 Ph water and in 8 days i have clones ready to plant. Cost me around $45 to make. It can be done cheaper tho....
so u gonna tell me how to make this thing or do I need to go and buy the $300 one??? lol

and you dont use any rooting hormones?? just clip and stick??

fill me in please!!! the time is coming and I gotta get 6this cloning business to a "T" ya know?! Ive got outdoors and a new indoor house so...... Im desperate
ya I'm with Graf, I wanna make an aero cloner!

How does it root without the horomone? did u put stuff in ur res?

This excites me.
Hey Graf I had the same problem you are having. So what I did is build a aeroponics cloner. Dude it was easy as shit and I bought everything at Lowes. If you need some help, I will be glad to assist you with pitures, etc. Here is a pic of it now. This thing shows roots within 7-10days. Outta 50 clones ive had a 100% rate.

Do you use a dome for this setup?
Do you use a dome for this setup?

No. You could even use a glass of water if you do water change daily. I've done this back in the day, just like mom did rooting cuttings in a glass on the window sill.

It's a weed, cloning should be the least amount of work IMO.
DJM method, page 5.

There's a quick and easy solution to cloning worries.
Oxycloner 20 site cloner

For me, it's the oxycloner or straight into soil.
100% success rate for as long as I can remember.
I use Blue planet nutrients and add micro, bloom, and Hormex to the water.
Rooting begins in a few days and by 10 days I'm ready for transplant.
Nothing compares.
I've tried making aero cloners and they never work as well as the oxycloner.
I find clones from a recently watered healthy mother take better. Also woody clones are less successful for me.

I use peat pucks or dirt, cut about 1/2 an inch from a node, try to keep temp near 84F/29C, and freshen the air (take the lid off the dome) once every day or two just for a moment. 90% success minimum. If I have problems with a certain cut it's easier to just take a shitload more clones to get the number I need than trying a bunch of new methods. If you are trying to keep a schedule and your success rate is only 1/3 what you need then I would take 3X as many clones to start with if possible just to keep on track until I've found a way.
Also if your mother is rootbound then the nodes shorten and those fuckers are hard to clone IME.

If you plan ahead and haven't lollipopped your mother, you can bend some bottom brances down so part of the branch is touching some soil in a separate little pot, cover with soil if you can, and water. Usually they will eventually sprout roots where they contact the soil, skinning the branch abit can help but is not necessary, just takes longer. Then just cut it off when it roots, or whenever you are ready.
There's a quick and easy solution to cloning worries.
Oxycloner 20 site cloner

For me, it's the oxycloner or straight into soil.
100% success rate for as long as I can remember.
I use Blue planet nutrients and add micro, bloom, and Hormex to the water.
Rooting begins in a few days and by 10 days I'm ready for transplant.
Nothing compares.
I've tried making aero cloners and they never work as well as the oxycloner.

I'm in the middle of finishing my clone of an OxyClone machine, really looking forward to trying this way instead of rockwool cubes and dome hoods, etc.

So you use nutrients from the start?
Do you use bottled spring water or just Ph adjusted H2O?
I never had luck with rockwool personally.

I have seen a lot of folks struggle with cloning and I give them all the same advice and for all it has worked.

Rapid Rooter cubes in their tray and a dome to cover the tray. Keep a little tap water in the bottom of the tray, enough to keep the little slots full, never let it run dry. It should condense on the dome and basically rain in there. I use clonex gel, cut 6 inch cuttings, slean up the fans, leave the nodes, scrape one side of the cut end with my scissors and sip it in clonex and then directly into a pre-poked rapid rooter cube, almost to the bottom but not sticking out the bottom. Set the tray on a warm surface or use a seedling heat mat with a temp controller, 80 - 85F. If I cut 200 clones I might have one fail to root. There is no need to pH the water until you have roots and are feeding. Once you have roots, kill the heat mat and start a light feed and set pH at 6.0 until you pot them.
I never had luck with rockwool personally.

I have seen a lot of folks struggle with cloning and I give them all the same advice and for all it has worked.

Rapid Rooter cubes in their tray and a dome to cover the tray. Keep a little tap water in the bottom of the tray, enough to keep the little slots full, never let it run dry. It should condense on the dome and basically rain in there. I use clonex gel, cut 6 inch cuttings, slean up the fans, leave the nodes, scrape one side of the cut end with my scissors and sip it in clonex and then directly into a pre-poked rapid rooter cube, almost to the bottom but not sticking out the bottom. Set the tray on a warm surface or use a seedling heat mat with a temp controller, 80 - 85F. If I cut 200 clones I might have one fail to root. There is no need to pH the water until you have roots and are feeding. Once you have roots, kill the heat mat and start a light feed and set pH at 6.0 until you pot them.

Thanks Renfro, just bookmarked this.