Active Member
I haven't noticed it amongst women as much.
I can think of many times I've seen a woman with a portly gentleman, not many the other way around. I think 90% of guys are shallow, and maybe 75% of women are. Attraction works quite a bit differently with the two sexes as far as I can see it. Men will see a woman and can be extremely attracted by looks alone; however, women on the other hand, generally require more information to be full on attracted. They want to know if the guy is funny, or smart, before they decide as to whether they will peruse the person. That is why men get bit so often, they see a girl they really like, pursue her and if they get with her they may very well find out that she is stupid, or annoying, or some other unattractive trait. So then they stay with her just long enough to bang her a few times.

So fat guys have a better chance getting an attractive partner than fat girls unfortunately. I'm just glad that I'm not fat, it is the last thing I need with all my neuroses.