How to grow auto flower seeds


Seeds I bought from my local guy never germinated or grew in soil even they were healthy (sinking in water)

I got just 5 seeds from nirvana coz they are expensive, white widow autoflower

Hiw to germinate auto flower properly , do i have to use paper towels or not ,

How much hours of sunlight plant need.
The current temperature is 40 celsius and it go to about 26 by mid night

Heres my soil pic C1DCA9BC-5E64-47F2-A11C-65A36407C32F.jpeg77816413-72C3-4F8D-914F-9EDF512BBDC6.jpeg

The soil is simple soil and mixed with i think cow shit , the plant growing from right side is proof that it grow plants

And last thing how much to water after putting seed .
I usually give about half a litre so the soil dont dry up

I am asking alot of questions but that’s because i been trying fir months and i cant waste the only 5 seeds from nirvana i got
Soak the seed in water for 12 hours and sow/germinate in store purchased seed raising mix, that soil is to heavy for seed raising.

also read

I wouldn't plant a seed in that looks like mud with no aeration for oxygen to the roots.
Get good soil and add perlite or you'll be very disappointed with your results.
Soil should be light and airy.
I'm not a fan of the paper towel method.......I use rapid rooters with nearly 100% success.
Before you make another attempt, read as much as you can at Come up with a plan and then drop your seeds in good soil.
The best way I know to germinate seeds is to soak in a mixture of h202 and water overnight then put in a damp paper that I fold up and insert into plastic bag Lohengrin put in a dark spot seeds pop in 2 days with this method I then transplant into a seed starting soil like Foxfarms light warrior been doing this way for years with a 90% success rate
Seeds I bought from my local guy never germinated or grew in soil even they were healthy (sinking in water)

I got just 5 seeds from nirvana coz they are expensive, white widow autoflower

Hiw to germinate auto flower properly , do i have to use paper towels or not ,

How much hours of sunlight plant need.
The current temperature is 40 celsius and it go to about 26 by mid night

Heres my soil pic View attachment 4544725View attachment 4544726

The soil is simple soil and mixed with i think cow shit , the plant growing from right side is proof that it grow plants

And last thing how much to water after putting seed .
I usually give about half a litre so the soil dont dry up

I am asking a lot of questions but that’s because i been trying fir months and i cant waste the only 5 seeds from nirvana i got
nothing special to germinating autos, i soak em for 48hrs in half pure water half hydrogen peroxide then if they haven't tap rooted by the 48th hour ill paper towel them until i get that 1inch taproot.

honestly bro that soil is MUD. toss it and go buy something made for plants... pro mix, kryptonite, sohum, purple cow, Happy frog and brut are some great soil companies,. invest in learning how to make living soil and you'll never be disappointed. With that being said if that's not an option id reamend you dirt by adding 30%aeration (rice hulls, perlite, small rock) and give it something to help it breathe (like some sand or dryer and better quality earth than what you have no LOOKS SUFFORCATING and ive done this to plants before don't be me
I just finished my first auto flower grow and I was wondering if anyone has any info on light cycle for finishing I stayed with 18/6 the whole grow but the 10 weeks turned into 12 I was thinking I should of dropped the light cycle to 12/12 for ripening any thoughts would be appreciated
I just finished my first auto flower grow and I was wondering if anyone has any info on light cycle for finishing I stayed with 18/6 the whole grow but the 10 weeks turned into 12 I was thinking I should of dropped the light cycle to 12/12 for ripening any thoughts would be appreciated
ive heard many people are goin 20/4 with autos since they're on such a short timeframe. roots do need dark to rest and recycle energy but i have seen better yields and overall better looking product from longer auto runs
The best way I know to germinate seeds is to soak in a mixture of h202 and water overnight then put in a damp paper that I fold up and insert into plastic bag Lohengrin put in a dark spot seeds pop in 2 days with this method I then transplant into a seed starting soil like Foxfarms light warrior been doing this way for years with a 90% success rate

Or you can just put the seed in soil, water it in, and wait for it to sprout.
Or you can just put the seed in soil, water it in, and wait for it to sprout.
ou could do that and your germination rate is up for debate. then its strictly based off luck and genetics. i like the paper towel and soak methods because it allows you to root out seeds that aren't viable no matter the method as its a surefire wat to determine fertility. plus your tap root develops stronger, healthier and can now drink water better.

ou could do that and your germination rate is up for debate. then its strictly based off luck and genetics. i like the paper towel and soak methods because it allows you to root out seeds that aren't viable no matter the method as its a surefire wat to determine fertility. plus your tap root develops stronger, healthier and can now drink water better.

The germination rate will be the same. A viable seed is a viable seed. The tap root does not develop any healthier or stronger. In fact the energy used to grow the tap root would be better user by the seedling to establish itself in soil or whatever you're growing in rather being expended in a paper towel. You can go through those unnecessary steps as many do but they don't make a viable seed anymore viable or create a stronger root. An 8 hour soak can be beneficial when sprouting older seeds but there is no reason to bother with paper towels. A wet paper towel does nothing to increase germination that wouldn't occur in just wet soil.
I germinate seeds with 2ml per litre of H2o2 and 1ml of nitrozyme then maintain 23c waiting over 24hrs for a tap root is pretty unusual, I reckon 90/95%+ success rate.
I germinate seeds with 2ml per litre of H2o2 and 1ml of nitrozyme then maintain 23c waiting over 24hrs for a tap root is pretty unusual, I reckon 90/95%+ success rate.
the moment i added peroxide soaks my seeds started tap rooting 10hrs in and ive never had a seed not pop using this method(so far)
the moment i added peroxide soaks my seeds started tap rooting 10hrs in and ive never had a seed not pop using this method(so far)
I remember saying something similar and was doubted, I found that odd I expected everyone would get the same results like you, I once seen roots in as little as 3/4 hours once but yes 12/18hrs being the norm.

Edit... I just didn't want to sound like Mr botanical saying 100% is nearer the mark in 12/18hrs... no one would believe it lol.
I remember saying something similar and was doubted, I found that odd I expected everyone would get the same results like you, I once seen roots in as little as 3/4 hours once but yes 12/18hrs being the norm.

Edit... I just didn't want to sound like Mr botanical saying 100% is nearer the mark in 12/18hrs... no one would believe it lol.
its why i added my "so far" lol i know they'll always be a failure but i haven't see one not go on to become a vegging plant. i personally love paper toweling as it helped my seedlings gain some "legs" i was just throwing seeds in dirt until i learned you could basically give you plants the legs it needs to stand on early
ive heard many people are goin 20/4 with autos since they're on such a short timeframe. roots do need dark to rest and recycle energy but i have seen better yields and overall better looking product from longer auto runs
Thanks for the info I have been growing for a while but this was my first auto it just seemed like they wouldn’t finish they were supposed to be total 10 weeks ended up more like 14 weeks they looked great and I average 5.5 oz per plant just a new thing for me I changed my whole system for the autos doing coco in 3 gal pots with an run to waste feeding system using floraflex bubbler on a timer I feed 3 times a day for 4 minutes just wish I could recycle the waste

Why dont you recycle the waste?
You can re ph and ec your run off and get your bag of coco back out the root balls with not a lot of work.
I recycle the coco it’s the nutrients that are the problem I was thinking of running thru a filter then back to the reservoir but I am afraid it would change the ph to much 5F68E440-E7A9-42D7-A859-DF13E8F536A2.jpeg91B26549-2AA8-497B-9493-39A7DC435B80.jpegthis is a photo of couple OG Kush that turned purple had 3 out of ten that changed colors it’s weird
I recycle the coco it’s the nutrients that are the problem I was thinking of running thru a filter then back to the reservoir but I am afraid it would change the ph to much View attachment 4780884View attachment 4780882this is a photo of couple OG Kush that turned purple had 3 out of ten that changed colors it’s weird

They look really nice, I hope it's a good pheno for you.

The amount of run off I was dumping was irritating me so I asked on the forum about uses for it, some growers either feed one half fresh and the other half with run off alternating between days.
I feed fresh one day and run off the next but I store the run off in a different reservoir.

Maths was never a strong point of mine but I calculated the saving to be 100% more efficient, I get 2x the use from it now.