Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Not to protecting the flat earther mad headder lol but our eyes are on a curved sphere and science has proven that much like the respence of the image veing upside down and the mind correcting it for us. The eye will naturally see a distance greater than vision be visible on a flat plain.

Cand remeber where it was but basicly a shoet sighted person will vsll for a curvature over 4 miles different to a long sighted person or someshit basicly on a runway there was an argument with 2 pilots 1 asking why the run way was curved when it wasnt turned out the short sighter was seeing a hill in the runways and assumed it a phenomanam the runways all had a slight hill.

The other pilot could acutaly sre a car at the end of the runway and the other pilot swore blind it was a rubway straight onto the sea no car.

They investigated it becuase as they approached the car on takeoff pilot 1 asked where the hell thw car appeared from while pilot 2 could always see it..

So ya cant use human eye to precieve distance over the distance needed for said curvature its an endless argument that varys person to person. Pointless and unscientific

Lol jus my 2cent from useless info i saw once lol

Worlds round ish by my eyes lol nothings perfectly round though theres come curves some flats yall just yet lost on the hills
Can’t really make out what you typed, bro...

True, curvature doesn’t *NEED* to be verified visually, but the fact that it *CAN* be visually verified is always worth noting...especially with The Flat Earth Professor! on the prowl for children to gobble up
Isnt the debate round or flat sorta like a irrelevant pissing contest.. i mean wouldnt it depends on the perspective u look at it from..? What if both sides are rite? When will everyone learn that no 2 persons life expierience are exatctly the same.. and with all the brilliant minds we all have to learn to view things from another's perspective and dare to learn something.
Isnt the debate round or flat sorta like a irrelevant pissing contest.. i mean wouldnt it depends on the perspective u look at it from..? What if both sides are rite? When will everyone learn that no 2 persons life expierience are exatctly the same.. and with all the brilliant minds we all have to learn to view things from another's perspective and dare to learn something.
I agree we were all brainwashed since birth about different things in life. But I will stop there. IMO, once the brainwashing was over it was up to the individual to see thru all the bullshit and make rational scientific decisions based on facts. It seems like millions of people have a real problem with this....................IMO.
I agree we were all brainwashed since birth about different things in life. But I will stop there. IMO, once the brainwashing was over it was up to the individual to see thru all the bullshit and make rational scientific decisions based on facts. It seems like millions of people have a real problem with this....................IMO.
the only problem with that is i truly believe ur a product of ur environment to a large extent. As far as brainwashing it never stops lol. U have to be taught as a child, instilled w certain things, if not be incredibly intelligent, strongwill'd and much more and seek them out ur self. I can honestly say that i have lived this and i dont know how much true intelligence, what is instilled in us as a young child actually plays alongside environmental factors..
Isnt the debate round or flat sorta like a irrelevant pissing contest.. i mean wouldnt it depends on the perspective u look at it from..? What if both sides are rite? When will everyone learn that no 2 persons life expierience are exatctly the same.. and with all the brilliant minds we all have to learn to view things from another's perspective and dare to learn something.
Perhaps better suited for another forum but you asked here so..

What are your thoughts on Transgender studies?

sorta like "Why can't we all just get a bong"
Smiley smoking a bong animated emoticon
I’m hoping we don’t have another idiot session here.

“Geez, I dunno... maybe both sides are right.”

The fantastically uneducated and ignorant vs thousands of years of history and all of science.

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Perhaps better suited for another forum but you asked here so..

What are your thoughts on Transgender studies?

sorta like "Why can't we all just get a bong"
Smiley smoking a bong animated emoticon
I wouldnt say that i have thought about it much peiple are who they are, but when i did as a younger child once or twice..
I found that alot of trangender and homosexual that i had personal seen or interacted with had alot of qualities that u might find on another sex.. for example..
A woman with a adams apple, or a man with a feminine figure... it just made me wonder
What was actualy happening on a chromosome, cellular, physiological and just as a whole, an if we truly are a race with a overpopulation problem, and with a tru desinger ..aka..god... or as i say the living multi verse its self..
How. Not he..or shee... but IT. might be beyond most peoples comprehension level.. try to solve that problem its self buy evolving , its bacteria,.. aka... humanity.. to stop producing so many humans.. and what beter way then thru homosexuality and transgender or what anyone wants to call there self that as a couple wont reproduce... but yet have the capability of taking needing children off the streets.. healing itself of multiple problems at once...... be carfule your leading me down the rabbit whole of philosophy... haha
I wouldnt say that i have thought about it much peiple are who they are, but when i did as a younger child once or twice..
I found that alot of trangender and homosexual that i had personal seen or interacted with had alot of qualities that u might find on another sex.. for example..
A woman with a adams apple, or a man with a feminine figure... it just made me wonder
What was actualy happening on a chromosome, cellular, physiological and just as a whole, an if we truly are a race with a overpopulation problem, and with a tru desinger ..aka..god... or as i say the living multi verse its self..
How. Not he..or shee... but IT. might be beyond most peoples comprehension level.. try to solve that problem its self buy evolving , its bacteria,.. aka... humanity.. to stop producing so many humans.. and what beter way then thru homosexuality and transgender or what anyone wants to call there self that as a couple wont reproduce... but yet have the capability of taking needing children off the streets.. healing itself of multiple problems at once...... be carfule your leading me down the rabbit whole of philosophy... haha
Ok maybe i have thought
What a stupid reply. There’s science and stupidity. Who cares what the stupid opinion is for chrissakes
Isnt the debate round or flat sorta like a irrelevant pissing contest.. i mean wouldnt it depends on the perspective u look at it from..? What if both sides are rite? When will everyone learn that no 2 persons life expierience are exatctly the same.. and with all the brilliant minds we all have to learn to view things from another's perspective and dare to learn something.
Yea, its not about experience, its about empirical evidence... You can experience whatever you want, universe doesnt give a shit about it... It is as it is, and none of your experience will change it...
What a stupid reply. There’s science and stupidity. Who cares what the stupid opinion is for chrissakes
Or does it go back to perspective..
. The quantum realm (or quantum parameter) in physics is the scale at which quantum mechanical effects become important when studied as an isolated system. ... The quantum realm can also sometimes involve actions at long distances..
U have to wana ask questions ur self and learn.. like what do they mean long distance?
(I can not teach, for i am a student)
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