Nashville Tennessee RV terrorist attack.

The troll was trying to convince people that Democrats are pro-rioting, but keeps mistaking lawful protesters for the hate mongering idiots like Kyle Rittenhouse that are rioting and murdering people in our cities.

Cities where the people that have been experiencing police brutality and are standing up for their rights and right wing dicks have been using for cover to spread their hate.

yeah he had that article about Snopes 'bs' that was true about Biden Staffer donating to that fund and was a rumor circulating that the Biden Campaign contributed $20M which was false.

he never read the article all he saw was true..a staffer had donated $50 from their own personal pocket.

This claim is true. However, some incorrect or confusing information surrounding the amount donated and donors’ affiliation with the Biden campaign did circulate online, following Twitter posts shared by staffers that displayed receipts for donations made to MFF.

An investigation conducted by Reuters found that at least 13 Biden campaign staffers donated to the MFF. Colleen May, a field organizer for the Texas Democratic Party, posted a $50 receipt for her donation on May 29. Before her current role, she held several positions with the Biden campaign between December 2019 and June 2020. Patrick McCarthy, regional organizing director for the Florida Democratic Party, responded to her tweet with a similar donation. McCarthy also worked for the Biden campaign from November 2019 to June 2020. Neither May nor McCarthy were employed by the Biden campaign at the time of publication.

what's wrong with them and their not reading? i guess it was FOX/Power Hour spoon feeding that needs to happen.

i wonder how long it's going to take Biden to take those 3 walls down from the WH. i hope he starts Day 1.
Merry xmas fools.

I'm driving a moving truck for people being evicted. LMAO.

What a sad group of conspiracy idiots.

Honest best wishes on your counseling.

Thank you for giving me power over all of you.

Wake up.
That sucks dude. Did you or your son grow the biggest plant? If I’m not mistaken you guys had a contest, more or less?
My son only grows or has interest in our other plants. Almost out grows me. Still advising.

Humor, peace and relaxation through growing.
My bad. You did have that nice one outside though.
I lived in pukeohio for a while and could not grow a plant.
Oh yeah, peace through thc. We’ve both been high all day. lol I’ve had crumble, tincture, ho ho juice and smoked cones AFTER I BROKE MY DAMN BONG :eyesmoke:
Seems there are human remains at the site, my guess is they blew themselves up with the RV. Another guess might be someone living in their RV on their last legs financially and at the end of their rope. It would explain the warnings, but a cop did approach the vehicle before the explosion, though they could have been in the back out of sight and the doors were locked. Looks like it could have been a suicide and they wanted to make a statement with their departure. There should be a message left behind, perhaps on social media?
It was the body of a left winger doped and strangled the night before by a proud boy and left in the rv to explode.

No? Too smart for a proud boy to do? How about Capt. Hindsight? I bet he knows who did it :eyesmoke: