What’s wrong with my seedling? Help


Active Member
So I’ve got this royal dwarf seedling, she’s 7 days old and she just started to get a bunch of weird colors on the edges, looks like leaf burn to me, or possibly light burn. It’s a pc grow. It’s in seedling starter mix soil too, and I know the soil doesn’t have anything to do with it, since I have a different seedling in the same soil which looks perfectly fine.


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It’s also been spreading fast, I don’t know if I should cut of the leaf parts that are discolored?
What kind of soil? Most likely it was too hot for the seedling, some are more sensitive than others. I would just continue feeding it water as needed and just give it time, either it survives or doesn't. Doing something drastic won't improve its chances.
What kind of soil? Most likely it was too hot for the seedling, some are more sensitive than others. I would just continue feeding it water as needed and just give it time, either it survives or doesn't. Doing something drastic won't improve its chances.

It‘s organic seedling starter mix soil that contains no nutrients, mixed up with perlite. The problem started yesterday as I was hanging my cfl closer to her, then she started getting those small brown spots, so I put the light back where it was. I’ve got a northern lights auto in the same soil, she really seems to be doing well.
It looks like its little roots are trying to turn on the uptake switch and it is having problems. Possibly a sensitive plant and/or possibly the delicate roots were damaged while moving. It is easy to do in those cups like that but I say to only rule out.

As someone else stated. Likely to worsen than to do much other than water it at this point.
Sounds like your light was too close. Don’t pull any leaves off or edges. Leave them alone. Raise light by at least a foot and see if the problem stops. Simple
Do you have a picture of the grow box?

Make sure you have enough air flow, heat builds up really quick in tight space.

I‘ve got one intake fan and a fan that cools down the box. Temps are 68f when lights are on.


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