Anyone using jacks 3-2-1?


Active Member
Been running jacks for last 2 sets. Plants in veg never quite achieve that nice solid green. Always a bit lime green. Growth isn’t bad but seems like it could be better. I guess I am going to start gradually increasing cal- nit and the 5-12-26. Curious if anyone has had a similar experience?? EC is1.8 -2 top drip recirculating. Ty for any help.


Active Member
No, I don’t believe it’s lockout. I increased to 1.8 gradually. Ph is always spot on , Rez water kept fresh.
Dwc at 1-1.2 cool. In veg? Or all the time? I’ve got 2 dwc buckets in the isle of flower room. I keep it at 2.3-2.5 they are very happy.Ty for chiming in. I emailed jacks w the same question. I couldn’t believe he responded at all let alone within an hour! Huh? Im not used to service like that. He said go up on the nutes. That is way high from what I am used to using GH.
Hoping to hear from people using soilless running jacks 3-2-1. What your EC in veg? Other people getting by w a lower EC as well?


Well-Known Member
Veg. I go up to about tops 1.8 on strains..I’m around 1.6 most of the time. I never hit 2.0. But maybe I’m a wimp. This isn’t using jacks though...I just threw out the ec just because it looked high to me.


Well-Known Member
I dunno what strain is it? My amnesia is very light but my haze is dark green same nutes ratio.


Well-Known Member
No, I don’t believe it’s lockout. I increased to 1.8 gradually. Ph is always spot on , Rez water kept fresh.
Dwc at 1-1.2 cool. In veg? Or all the time? I’ve got 2 dwc buckets in the isle of flower room. I keep it at 2.3-2.5 they are very happy.Ty for chiming in. I emailed jacks w the same question. I couldn’t believe he responded at all let alone within an hour! Huh? Im not used to service like that. He said go up on the nutes. That is way high from what I am used to using GH.
Hoping to hear from people using soilless running jacks 3-2-1. What your EC in veg? Other people getting by w a lower EC as well?
What ratio's are you using to get to that ec?
I've been running Jacks for the past couple of years in both my RDWC and dtw coco grows.
I mix using 3.6-2.4-1.2 and that will end up at 1.6ec with my well water.
I've run many different strains and they all grew well with that mix.
The only mod I do during the run is during flower stetch-I replace 1-1.5g/gal of the 5-12-26 with an equal amount of MKP for a P boost.


Active Member
What ratio's are you using to get to that ec?
I am using the same ratios as you listed above. I brought the EC up to 2.3 and within 3 days lime green was getting darker and the stems showing a bit much purple now is broken up with green stripes. Amazing transformation. I top off my Rez with straight water. I wouldn’t run this EC constantly in sunshine #4 w coir. Uh uh.. anyways the advice from the rep from jacks was right on the money. Success!!


Well-Known Member

Note ppms... Companie says use more.. Buy more

Follow this guy and u cant fuck up.
Check ur tap water ppms.
I had 390ppm tap 300mg calcium. Csused lockout as jscks had 128 already so 428mg cal locks nuts absorbtion to half. Same as too less.
This can be seen sometimes by
1 lime green leafs
2 copper leaves from the edges in like rust

Cal deficiency wil show copper leafes from tue middle like rusty spots. But csn be confused to toomuch.

I swapped ro water. Sorted

