2021 seedling plan

It's big enough for 30 plants? Just bear in mind that light intensity falls off quickly the further you get from the window. More than 3 feet might cause them to stretch. And they will definitely lean towards it
It's big enough for 30 plants? Just bear in mind that light intensity falls off quickly the further you get from the window. More than 3 feet might cause them to stretch. And they will definitely lean towards it
No. I’m starting 4 plants early to move to south facing window. The rest I will start in March and keep under lights until transplant outdoors.
No. I’m starting 4 plants early to move to south facing window. The rest I will start in March and keep under lights until transplant outdoors.
That sounds more doable. Seems like you have a good plan. Only advice I can give is start the seeds in medium instead of germinating them, and maybe have a couple of motion activated cameras with lights around your grow. It's going to make a tempting target. I've been ripped before.
If you do put lights, make sure they don't shine at or near the plants, can mess with their light cycle.
The cameras I use now have spotlights on them, so they're motion activated too. Takes something the size of a person to set them off. A minute or two of light on your plants is better than having them stolen though.
The cameras I use now have spotlights on them, so they're motion activated too. Takes something the size of a person to set them off. A minute or two of light on your plants is better than having them stolen though.

I understand, believe me I know the feeling, it's shitty when you're plants get ripped. Months of hard work and planning, with nothing to show. When I did outdoor guerilla shit in the past, I had multiple spots mainly for this very reason. If you have cameras in good spots, have a privacy fence, and keep the plants trained as best you can to stay below the fence, you should be fine without lights.

Almost every single ripoff story I've ever heard literally started with the words "You should've seen the size of these plants, they were taller than the fence!!" Lol
That sounds more doable. Seems like you have a good plan. Only advice I can give is start the seeds in medium instead of germinating them, and maybe have a couple of motion activated cameras with lights around your grow. It's going to make a tempting target. I've been ripped before.
I have 6 foot privacy fence in locked yard, few visitors so I think I’m good. Likely get cameras in summer. Thanks for advice.
Ok, so yesterday (dec 29th) at noon I put 1 seed each of OhZone, Ultimate hash plant, Turkish cookie and Chen dawg g13 in damp paper towels. Placed in baggie on seed heater mat. Seeds from Dr Geenthumb and following his instructions to a T. Hoping for New Years baby girls.
Hash plant and chemg13 sprouted fine, put in soil today. Oh zone looks like ready to sprout (little white nub starting to appear. Nothing as yet with Turkish cookie. Planted sprout up at 10 o’clock just as the Doc prescribes. Feeling optimistic on New Year’s Day
Hash plant and chemg13 sprouted fine, put in soil today. Oh zone looks like ready to sprout (little white nub starting to appear. Nothing as yet with Turkish cookie. Planted sprout up at 10 o’clock just as the Doc prescribes. Feeling optimistic on New Year’s Day
Hash plant and chemg13 sprouted fine, put in soil today. Oh zone looks like ready to sprout (little white nub starting to appear. Nothing as yet with Turkish cookie. Planted sprout up at 10 o’clock just as the Doc prescribes. Feeling optimistic on New Year’s Day
I put two in foxfarm soil on the 27th and both are about 2-3 inch long. All I did was dip them in water for 10 minutes then barley buried them in soil. Humidity 50%-70% temperature is 75-85.


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ok. The above wasn’t successful so I put 1 Chem g13 in mineral removed water in a glass for 24 hours.I tapped seed in water and it sunk after 3 hours. Put in paper towel between plates. Sprout next day, put in soil tail down and next day leaves poking.
Then did same with hash plant and same result. Then did same with Turkish cookie and seed just pushing through soil.
so going forward soak in water, paper towels and plates, sprout down for me.
Dilemma. Usually I go to my guy at hydro store to get chemicals. I don’t even pay attention to name.now we’re quarantined and I need to learn how to fertilize seedlings and when to start. I will sent pics soon