Other Plants

ive always heard of nitrogen fixing bacterias......i wonder what all magic bacterias are controlling air plants ? they do need the basic npk +o2+co2+ect.., correct ? Of course they do. wow.
now you got me wondering.... my grandpa had one of those when i was little. i played with it a LOT. i was not supposed to but i was like 9. if i touched it , it closed up on my hand.....even if i got really close , it would start to close until i backed off of it.... Wasnt the prettiest plant i ever seen , just basic green with green leaves that closed.....what kind of plant is that? what the name of it ? thanks guys!
Mimosa Pudica
I'll prolly get to pinky later today. I wanna be in my magical zone before splitting her up. The purple fuzzy fuck is just like a clone. takes a little over a week in the ezmolder to show roots or if you just throw it in a pot of dirt , it takes much longer to root. I made a bunch for christmas presents that are taking forever to grow. i should of stuck with the ezmolder just to get um developed quicker. The way it grows is also identical to a reefer plant with tight nodes. take the top , it will grow two.... ect.. i have about 3 more clones to take off her.

I understand what your saying about winter vs spring ect... i was just thinking , they are indoors so they have no "winter" but thats not true. Im sure they know its cold outside. Now im wondering if i run my grow lights too long...... i run my grow lights for about 12 hours a day. You think i would be better sticking to the schedule the sun is providing right now ?
I understand what your saying about winter vs spring ect... i was just thinking , they are indoors so they have no "winter" but thats not true. Im sure they know its cold outside. Now im wondering if i run my grow lights too long...... i run my grow lights for about 12 hours a day. You think i would be better sticking to the schedule the sun is providing right now ?

I keep my 'nursery' under 4:20AM - 10:20PM regardless of the sun. Temps & such I don't regulate but I do maintain environment well :bigjoint:

Someone pointed out to me it's a good thing, like I can move plants in and out.

"that's not much at all, so it's like in a stasis for spring to set outdoors, no? "

The tayberry (Rubus fruticosus x R. idaeus) is a cultivated shrub in the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae patented in 1979 as a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and named after the River Tay in Scotland.

The fruit is sweeter, much larger, and more aromatic than that of the loganberry, itself a blackberry and red raspberry cross. The tayberry is grown for its edible fruits which can be eaten raw or cooked, but the fruit do not pick easily by hand and cannot be machine harvested, so they have not become a commercially grown berry crop. As a domestic crop, this plant has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.

WHERE DO YOU GUYS GET THIS SHIT !!!????! holy fuck ....im about over weeds when i can grow all these!!! So these were both green at one point or are you just saying that only one flowered ? Thanks. mind blown....
The air plants were a gift, so unsure of their origin. How they survive is also a mystery. As well, only one of them flowered which I found odd. Cool how it turned colour, then reverted back to green. It bloomed in June last year but nothing this year. The flowers only lasted a few days. Guessing that the care/neglect cycle played a part in whether it flowered or not. Not sure if they're monoecious or dioecious. Mistergrafik inspired me to water them again.
Where can I get miniature pineapples?
I'm not too sure to be honest - I was lucky to find my lavender one locally I was searching for some time. I have about 7 of them now from my original plant; they take about 18 months to grow from suckers or pups and tops take up to 24 months or something like that
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waiting 5 years to not see a flower is what im talkin about !!! straight love! I had a sago palm that took a few years to bloom for me .....its all so worth it...
You should check out: Amorphophallus titanum

If I ever get a farm I plan on putting one (or a few) on the adjacent end of my crops :bigjoint:

Not the most desirable plant and quite obscene looking, from an alien movie of sorts
You should check out: Amorphophallus titanum

If I ever get a farm I plan on putting one (or a few) on the adjacent end of my crops :bigjoint:

Not the most desirable plant and quite obscene looking, from an alien movie of sorts
It blooms once a decade or something crazy; if at all

they are almost extinct so I had got some seeds