What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Michigan got screwed out of doses and that storm missed the state, as a matter of fact the Governor said the vaccine is sitting in a warehouse in Michigan and the whitehouse won't release it, it's just more profiteering by Stinky, there are Pfizer plants in Michigan.
We'll see and it won't take long either! I wouldn't put it past Trump, but figure it's incompetence this time. Donald is obsessed with the election coup con and getting away with the crime of the century. I seen on the news that Pence's son might need a pardon so maybe he will be king for a day. I can't imagine Mitch wanting Donald running around loose, but Mike might need a pardon himself and his son might need one too. The SCOTUS is watching the news and the conservative justices have just watched their political home burned to the fucking ground right in front of their eyes.


Well-Known Member
Michigan got screwed out of doses and that storm missed the state, as a matter of fact the Governor said the vaccine is sitting in a warehouse in Michigan and the whitehouse won't release it, it's just more profiteering by Stinky, there are Pfizer plants in Michigan.
There should be an investigation into what happened with those delayed Pfizer shipments. Pfizer claims that millions of doses have been delayed by WH interference. What happened? Also, a deep dive into Trump's and his lawyer's communications with the leadership at Moderna.

Imagine how many skeletons are lying around in Trump's WH? The clown had zero ability to put a lid on what he said or did.

In 31 days, Trump will no longer be protected by Presidential privilege. Biden's team should treat the WH like a crime scene. Nobody goes in or out unless they are garbed to prevent contamination of the evidence and authorization to collect whatever evidence they find and seal that evidence away from potential tampering. Then begins the long and excruciating silence while investigators piece together evidence for prosecutions, claw backs and administrative actions to correct Trumps misdeeds.


Well-Known Member
There should be an investigation into what happened with those delayed Pfizer shipments. Pfizer claims that millions of doses have been delayed by WH interference. What happened? Also, a deep dive into Trump's and his lawyer's communications with the leadership at Moderna.

Imagine how many skeletons are lying around in Trump's WH? The clown had zero ability to put a lid on what he said or did.

In 31 days, Trump will no longer be protected by Presidential privilege. Biden's team should treat the WH like a crime scene. Nobody goes in or out unless they are garbed to prevent contamination of the evidence and authorization to collect whatever evidence they find and seal that evidence away from potential tampering. Then begins the long and excruciating silence while investigators piece together evidence for prosecutions, claw backs and administrative actions to correct Trumps misdeeds.
I have to give the general who got thrown under the bus comments about it.

He is in a shit position taking heat for Trump idiocy, but he took it like a man.
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The Army general in charge of getting COVID-19 vaccines across the United States apologized on Saturday for “miscommunication” with states over the number of doses to be delivered in the early stages of distribution.

“I failed. I’m adjusting. I am fixing and we will move forward from there,” Gen. Gustave Perna told reporters in a telephone briefing.

Perna’s remarks came a day after a second vaccine was added in the fight against COVID-19, which has killed more than 312,000 people in the U.S. Governors in more than a dozen states have said the federal government has told them that next week’s shipment of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be less than originally projected.

Perna acknowledged the criticism and accepted blame.

“I want to take personal responsibility for the miscommunication,” he said. “I know that’s not done much these days. But I am responsible. ... This is a Herculean effort and we are not perfect.”

The general said he made mistakes by citing numbers of doses that he believed would be ready.
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“I am the one who approved forecast sheets. I’m the one who approved allocations,” Perna said. “There is no problem with the process. There is no problem with the Pfizer vaccine. There is no problem with the Moderna vaccine.”

There’s a distinction between manufactured vaccine and doses that are ready to be released. The finished product must undergo “rigorous quality control and sterility tests,” which can take up to a month, the Department of Health and Human Services said.

Perna said the government now is on track to get approximately 20 million doses to states by the first week of January, a combination of the newly approved Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Perna said 2.9 million Pfizer-BioNTech doses have been delivered to states so far.

In Michigan, where the Pfizer vaccine is produced, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Friday accused the White House of “slow-walking the process.”

“We have Michigan hospitals and nursing homes ready to administer this vaccine,” she said.


Well-Known Member
kentucky mouth breather gets life for Kroger killings. justice served.

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now look at these cops/jailers in the background..can you see how happy they are to have another mental patient in jail? that's the problem with Uncle Ronnies one size fits all model..you put many people at risk including those who may be passing through, through no fault of their own or something benign like outstanding parking tickets.

23/1 is the new padded cell.


Well-Known Member
This Administration's response too the Pandemic has been FUBAR (fucked up beyond all repair) since day one.
Simply a continuation of a failed system.
there never was going to be a response, Jim..he was just playing along as it gave him great joy to let it 'wash over' the country. when asking Dr. Fauci what would happen he replied quite stunned 'people will die' and that's what Trump wanted to hear that he held that control in his hands.

like God holds life and death in his hands..as sick as he is, i'm sure it gave him goosebumps; it probably made him hard.

this thing with Flynn and Trump on Friday is going to be a problem.
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Well-Known Member
Modernas vaccine is being sent out now, somebody must have missed placed the Pfizer stuff, I'm sure it will turn up.
My guess is Pfizer didn't bend the knee in public to Dear Leader and are now his political trolls are playing games with people's lives once again.
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Friday wrongly claimed full credit for Pfizer Inc.’s announcement that its COVID-19 vaccine was robustly successful and suggested without evidence that a separate state review will cause a protracted delay for New York residents waiting for a vaccine.

A look at the statements, made during his first public remarks since his defeat by President-elect Joe Biden:

TRUMP: “As a result of Operation Warp Speed, Pfizer announced on Monday that its China virus vaccine was more than 90% effective. ...Pfizer said it wasn’t part of Warp Speed, but that turned out to be an unfortunate misrepresentation.”

THE FACTS: Not so much. Pfizer notably did not accept government money to develop, test or expand manufacturing capacity under Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative to quickly find a vaccine and treatments for the disease sweeping the country.

In fact, Pfizer partnered with the vaccine’s original developer, Germany’s BioNTech, in March and the following month announced the first human study in Germany. The White House announced Operation Warp Speed in May.

Pfizer opted not to join Operation Warp Speed initially but is following the same general requirements for the vaccine’s development as competitors who received government research money. The company says it has risked $2 billion of its own money on vaccine development and won’t get anything from Washington unless the effort is successful.

“Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine development and manufacturing costs have been entirely self-funded,” Pfizer spokeswoman Jerica Pitts said this week. “We decided to self-fund our efforts so we could move as fast as possible.”

However, Pfizer did sign an agreement with the U.S. government in July worth $1.95 billion — if the vaccine pans out and is cleared by the FDA — to supply 100 million doses. That guarantees Pfizer a U.S. market, an important incentive.

The supply side of Operation Warp Speed also allows Pfizer logistical help, although the company will directly ship its own vaccine, while the government will control shipping of other COVID-19 vaccines.

Pfizer’s announcement does not mean a vaccine has been approved and will immediately hit the market.

The next step for Pfizer would be to apply for “emergency use authorization” by the Food and Drug Administration, probably later this month, which would allow for limited distribution before it seeks full FDA approval for wider use by the general public in 2021. Neither step is guaranteed to happen.


TRUMP: “The vaccine will be available to the entire general population with the exception of places like New York state where for political reasons the governor decided to say — and I don’t think it’s good politically, I think it’s very bad from a health standpoint — but he wants to take his time with a vaccine. ...We can’t be delivering it to a state that won’t be giving it to its people immediately.”

THE FACTS: That’s a misrepresentation. New York’s separate review doesn’t guarantee a protracted delay.

Trump is referring to a state panel of experts that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in September to review any coronavirus vaccine authorized by the Food and Drug Administration before it is to be distributed in the state.

That additional review doesn’t necessarily mean weeks of delay before New York residents can get a federally approved vaccine. As a practical matter, the FDA will have a public meeting where its independent advisers debate the data, an opportunity for any interested group to get an early look.

Cuomo, speaking Friday on CNN, said that as soon as the FDA acts, the state review group would, too.

“There will be no delay,” he said.

There is some uncertainty around how the state-level reviews will ultimately work. Cuomo said the only issue could be if the review group in New York or one of the other states doing reviews finds a problem. But he notes that: “I don’t think the FDA is going to play any games at this point.”

A handful of other states, including California, have said they would conduct separate safety reviews.

California’s plan is to review data quickly so there is no delay in distribution, said Dr. Arthur Reingold, the group’s chair. He said the state’s review group — which has been joined by Nevada, Oregon and Washington — has confidence in the federal review process, but that its work is intended to provide additional reassurance to people.

“Any assertion that our citizens will be delayed in receiving a safe and effective COVID vaccine is simply not borne out by the plans we have in place,” said Reingold, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, Berkeley.


Well-Known Member
I got nothing to comment on so I’m posting a Blueberry Pancake Recipe .

View attachment 4772002
Actually, I wouldn’t fold in the blueberries at all

1) Mix batter until lumpy

2) Pour desired amount of batter onto cooking surface

3) Place berries in pancake as its cooking. Flip when golden on bottom

4) Finish cooking, hold in warm oven

5) ???????

6) Profit

Thank you for posting something so delicious. I’m tired of being full of hate and anger. I’d rather be full of blueberry pancakes, some sausage links, maybe a couple of fried eggs, and some black coffee.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I wouldn’t fold in the blueberries at all

1) Mix batter until lumpy

2) Pour desired amount of batter onto cooking surface

3) Place berries in pancake as its cooking. Flip when golden on bottom

4) Finish cooking, hold in warm oven

5) ???????

6) Profit

Thank you for posting something so delicious. I’m tired of being full of hate and anger. I’d rather be full of blueberry pancakes, some sausage links, maybe a couple of fried eggs, and some black coffee.
Pancakes Matter


Well-Known Member
Modernas vaccine is being sent out now, somebody must have missed placed the Pfizer stuff, I'm sure it will turn up.
From what I can gather Donald is completely consumed with getting away with the crime of the century, if Pence won't pardon him, there is only one way out, seize and hold power and he's still trying. The coup con stop the steal is raising a lot of cash too and adds to the incentive, but getting off is the primary concern. I don't think he cares about losing that much and it's not really ego driven, it's fear driven and it's completely consumed him. I really don't even think the coup con is that important to him even though the cash is rolling in, he hasn't been out there driving it much.

Donald is hunkered down in his bunker in a defensive crouch using every means he can to put the heat on Mitch. About the only thing he's doing is trying to blame China for the Russian attack, he killed a WH statement on it. He wants to invoke the insurrection act, but knows he can't, if it came down to it, the military would obey Joe not him. Vlad recognizing Joe pulled the rug out from under Moscow Mitch and he had to do the same the next day. Donald promised to destroy the republican party over it and I don't think he will sign covid relief either and Mitch knows it.