pot + job interview.


Well-Known Member
so i smoked some yesterday and today i get a call at like 9 in the morning for a job interview later today. this job will require a drug test at some point i believe. what can i do, do you think theyll give a second test in the future just to make sure they didnt get a false posetive. i dont see my chances of detox by then being very good. are there any ways to really really quick detox. any help would help.


Well-Known Member
Quit smoking work out, stay away from greasy food , drink a ton of fluids ( water , juice, Gatorade,) and get a detox tea .. Good luck


i'll vouch for a product called "test in".... works in 2-3 days; full flush.... blood, urine, and saliva are cleaned out afterward... just finished up some myself for job/test monday... good luck


Well-Known Member
there are a variety of things you can buy that masks traces for 2-4 hour periods...or more expensive options to clean you out really fast.

call your nearest head shop!

optionally, drink lots of water/cranberry juice and hope for the best


Well-Known Member
oops didnt mean to post that yet,
but yeah man i have heard of many things like that that work, if you have a good headshop near you, they will give you something. its not like the tests are invincible, (this is how i always see them somehow)


Well-Known Member
it woudl be funny if they made you crap in a jar for a drug test
thick southern accent "Boy, are you on some kinda shit?" lol

Relax, your just going for an interview, you have plenty of time to clean out. Start with what vette said. Then also get a full detox usually three days. Sorry, can't smoke. But if they call you in you should be OK. Good Luck bro.