AP: Assange was offered Pardon from Trump if he cleared Russia, says his lawyer.

Assange did the right thing when he exposed war crimes.

Institutional covering up of murder is clear evidence the United States is a criminal organization, controlled by murderous psychopaths.

The back and forth of the left / right horseshit is to occupy the pea brains of the populace so the raping of the world can continue. So far, it's been an effective policy.
Maybe, but that doesn't stop it from being wrong and illegal that he later coordinated to smuggle the Russian military the NSA data files Snowden stole, and then coordinate with the Russian military and Trump to attack our democracy.
Assange is a rapist, a coward, a egomaniacal cocksucker & with his hacking of the DNC/Clinton, information which he then gave to Russia to screw over Clinton whom he didn't like, was a/the major factor in getting Trump elected & look how that worked out
He's a POS, simply put.
You make him sound noble.
He's not

I notice you completely avoided addressing the exposure of the war crimes I mentioned.
I remember when Democrats at least pretended to be against a foreign policy of rape and pillage, you probably do too.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are in the same political sphere as the Bush gang, (and Obama / Biden ). Turning a blind eye to war crimes just because your Trump hate boner is fucking you to death is kind of short sighted.
Maybe, but that doesn't stop it from being wrong and illegal that he later coordinated to smuggle the Russian military the NSA data files Snowden stole, and then coordinate with the Russian military and Trump to attack our democracy.

Not maybe. It was the right thing to expose war crimes.

The rest of your post sounds like you need a tissue and are repeating unsubstantiated propaganda.
I notice you completely avoided addressing the exposure of the war crimes I mentioned.
I remember when Democrats at least pretended to be against a foreign policy of rape and pillage, you probably do too.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are in the same political sphere as the Bush gang, (and Obama / Biden ). Turning a blind eye to war crimes just because your Trump hate boner is fucking you to death is kind of short sighted.
Not maybe. It was the right thing to expose war crimes.

The rest of your post sounds like you need a tissue and are repeating unsubstantiated propaganda.
I don't know how Assange got his previous information or if he planted bullshit inside of it to fool people like yourself who really want to believe the worst in everyone, so I will stick to maybe.

You pretending like actual information showing exactly that Assange did those things I said is the 'unsubstantiated propaganda' is pretty desperate on your end.

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I'm afraid I don't understand your response. I'd hate to miss one of your pearls of wisdom. Do be kind enough to explain?
no, didn’t you get enough of them already?
Muhammad Bin Salad is a murderer. Is it ok to pretend that shit ain’t happening?
Navalny anyone?
Get over the Clintons, pay attention to the real criminals.
no, didn’t you get enough of them already?
Muhammad Bin Salad is a murderer. Is it ok to pretend that shit ain’t happening?
Navalny anyone?
Get over the Clintons, pay attention to the real criminals.

Speaking of paying attention...

The nuances and degrees of criminality of political criminals can be interesting, but at the end of the day all Politics is a kind of criminality, since it assumes consent when none is actually given.

Muhammad Bin Salad ? I suppose that's eaten with olive oil ? :lol:
Assange should be spending the rest of his life in a United States supermax prison. He's no hero. He's a scumbag only out for himself. Same thing with Snowden. If Snowden ever sets foot on US soil he should go straight to prison for treason.

You do know that consuming the boot leather of your masters isn't a well balanced diet right?
Speaking of paying attention...

The nuances and degrees of criminality of political criminals can be interesting, but at the end of the day all Politics is a kind of criminality, since it assumes consent when none is actually given.

Muhammad Bin Salad ? I suppose that's eaten with olive oil ? :lol:
I did that on purpose to lighten the mood. Thanks for pointing out the part you understood.
If Trump gets re elected its time to move to Canada......My better half has relatives in BC. They left her a house. Gun nuts, rednecks and just ignorant folks all over America these days.
Lol u obviously have never been to canada were just as redneck whatever that racist term means to u.
Someone needs to actually have been convicted of a federal crime to be eligible for a presidential pardon.

He can't just pardon people for crimes they have yet to go to trial for, or for crimes that havn't occured yet ... as much as I'm sure he would love to be able to pardon his family for the future crimes they're going to commit.
Trump if anything else goes with the 'I can pardon anyone for anything' stance first, and figures at worst someone will have to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money after the fact to go back around to try to fix the messes Trump leaves behind.


The bigger question I would be asking right now is why the troll factory is bringing this up now.

Who is pulling their strings, and why.
Is the truth also that the USA invaded a country under false pretenses, murdered civilians and when that was exposed (by Assange) there was a concerted effort to silence him and anyone else that might expose war crimes ?

I get that you don't like Trump, I don't either, but for a minute if you could stop stroking your Trump hate boner and ponder the question above that would be swell.
Do you have inside information about how he obtained this information?

Also are you saying that he was the only one reporting on it? Or did he just weaponized a hack and dump operation for the Russians to use to attack our nation with?