Here is a detailed post about the chemistry behind coco, and the reasoning for feeding a nutrient solution each time. It's kind of heavy but all coco users should read this:
Some people have smaller pots and feed multiple times per day, but those people generally have it automated, so it's no bid deal. I agree though, I use 3 gal pots and typically have to feed once per day, and I like it like that.According to that post coco should be feed 3-4 times a day too.
Folks you don't have to make this into some sort of science experiment where you try to hit some ideal. People have been growing killer weed feeding coco only once a day, feeding 2 days and plain water the 3rd day, RH of 25%, so on and so forth. KISS and make it easy on yourself. Less is (often) more.
Some people have smaller pots and feed multiple times per day, but those people generally have it automated, so it's no bid deal. I agree though, I use 3 gal pots and typically have to feed once per day, and I like it like that.
i have no wish to pramote any such action that , but i was told point blankly, it CANT be done, when it can.. im not offering advise, i was told it CANT be done. oh its not worth it,
"yes, but remember less is more and water plane water in between feeds to stop toxic nute build up in the coco"
I like cyco coco 70/30 mix when I run coco. I prefer my soil I make though.Don't listen to that guy..........he has never grown in coco.
I use high quality bag coco that is already buffered so I don't have do any rinsing or pre-charging.
I start in 1ltr air pots with a 70/30 coco/perlite mix.
I feed daily to run off from about day 3 from sprout through veg........and twice a day in flower.
Coco is drain to waste hydroponics and feeding to run off daily renews the nutes, pulls in fresh oxygen to the roots, and prevents salt build up.
Always feed to run off with light nutes and you will never get salt build up.........contrary to what the above poster says.
Never let it get dry.
Never use plain water because it messes up the Cation Exchange Capacity.
A plant in a coco/perlite mix cannot be over watered.........coco still holds 30% oxygen even when saturated........add perlite an the oxygen increases.
Unfortunately you started in large pots which is the only time over watering can be a possibility in coco.........maintaining the proper moisture levels will be a challenge until the roots are established.
This is the best place to learn the correct way to grow in
Good luck to you.
why would you not use plane water on its own?? sory but ive never used coco b4
that's for advanced training methods. duhMy Uncle used to work for CP rail and all the water they got was in cans, perhaps that would help. Some Train water?
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