Did I make a good choice?


Active Member
Arjan's Haze #1 (12 seeds)
g13 Haze (12 seeds)

I went for the cannabis cup champs for my first grow

also, Im putting them in little greenhouses for germination, should i soak the seeds in water for 24 hours?


Well-Known Member
If you have a greenhouse for germination....No need to presoak the seed. Presoak the rockwool or starter plug you're using.

I'd suggest starting with cheaper seeds....like bagseed to learn how to germ/sprout beans. No need wasting expensive seeds if you aren't sure how to get them started.


Well-Known Member
also, Im putting them in little greenhouses for germination, should i soak the seeds in water for 24 hours?[/quote]

thats what I did and it worked for me. After 24 hours I would go to a wet towel method.


Well-Known Member
Certainly nice genetics! For your first grow most recommend you use bagseed and save your money for proper lighting/ventilation/odor control equipment. Growing is a learning curve made, on the most part, through trial and error (predominantly error). If I was you I'd plant no more than half of them now and get them going incase you have any teething trouble. Still, I hope everything goes well for you. Happy growing!


Active Member
Well this isn't totally a beginner grow, i have a partner in on this venture who is guiding me through the process, he did state to me that if i was to fuck this part up he doesnt know if I would make a good partner lol. I guess ill just whet the greenhouse and doit.

We have plenty of money for all the tools we need


Well-Known Member
seeds should have been the last thing you purchased. need to dive in fast and research what you're gunna do to build your rooms.


Well-Known Member
Arjan's Haze #1 (12 seeds)
g13 Haze (12 seeds)

I went for the cannabis cup champs for my first grow

also, I'm putting them in little greenhouses for germination, should i soak the seeds in water for 24 hours?
Two great strains. Haze isn't the easiest strain to grow but IMHO the best.
I would use the germination between damp paper towels in a warm spot method. The mini greenhouse thing is good for clones not seeds. You want a fan blowing on them as soon as they break the surface to stiffen the stem from the stem flexing in the breeze. I use 6500 K CFL lights for the first couple of weeks. This keeps the height down and encourages side branching. When your plants get growing about 6-8 inches tall cut the growing tip out so that all the side shoots take over as grow leaders. Haze is a very airy plant so you want to get it as bushy as possible. Cloning the tops that you cut off is desireable too, 'speacially with expensive seeds. Save your males and make seeds. (more info than you probably wanted but I LOVE Haze)


Active Member
seeds should have been the last thing you purchased. need to dive in fast and research what you're gunna do to build your rooms.
We have everything set up for the veg room:

4 - 48'' 40 watt daylight florescence adding up to 9300 lumens
6 - 26 watt CFL's dont know the exact lumens for those but you probably do

We are buying 24 3 gallon tubs and are still debating the soil that should be used since we want to use the best but dont know which that is.

We are growing 24 seeds this round

Are you doing one or two rooms? I would def recommend a hps for flowering.
The amount of rooms is a hotly debated issue. What do ya'll think about apt growing, can the smell be contained with carbon and charcoal filters? Also, how much room does each plant need during flowering?

As far as hps is concerend we will be using them, but the amount and wattage is hotly contested as well. I want to do 2 650's and he just wants to do one. We are doing 24 plants.

Two great strains. Haze isn't the easiest strain to grow but IMHO the best.
I would use the germination between damp paper towels in a warm spot method. The mini greenhouse thing is good for clones not seeds. You want a fan blowing on them as soon as they break the surface to stiffen the stem from the stem flexing in the breeze. I use 6500 K CFL lights for the first couple of weeks. This keeps the height down and encourages side branching. When your plants get growing about 6-8 inches tall cut the growing tip out so that all the side shoots take over as grow leaders. Haze is a very airy plant so you want to get it as bushy as possible. Cloning the tops that you cut off is desireable too, 'speacially with expensive seeds. Save your males and make seeds. (more info than you probably wanted but I LOVE Haze)
I would probably do this but my partner has the lead in this area, we bought the greenhouses already :10bux: and my research states that there will be a better chance of germination via greenhouse. Although I would love to ask you more about your knowledge and expertise in pm if you would allow that, thanks for your post it is very inciteful and I look forward to growing the hazeeeeeee.


Well-Known Member
i have had great successs with the charcoal filters for odor. Make sure you get the right fan size for the filter and the room. I just germed like 15 seeds for practice. What worked best was to presoak in cup of water for 24. The place in wet paper towel covered on a heat mat set on low or with somethin in between the heat mat and the plate like a rubbermaid maid to keep the heat uniform. In a few days or even a few hours i saw taproot. The i took presoaked rw and tweezers and put the seed in taproot down. I soaked the cube and covered it with a clear plastic cup. I wet the rw every so often to keep it soaked the whole way through. I had 100 percent success as long as the rw was soaked. If it dried out i just started over with the same seed and eventually it would root. Some seeds took longer but another soak opened them right up. Also mosit the inside of the plastic cupe with water too. Clear plast cups a godsend lol. I did tis and it all worked. I was a noob but now i feel like i can root anything. Then i put them under 400 mh where they sit now. No nutes or they will burn. Easy with superthrive too that will burn them also. GL