Coco vs soil. Why so small??


Active Member
My Autos are about 7 days old. My ones in soil are three times the size of my ones in Coco. What's happening?
Happy Frog perlite 70/30 mix and Coco perlite 70/30 mix. Seeds are from seedsman lights are spider farmer sf-4000 I just don't understand what's happening



Well-Known Member
A syringe of say 100 ml or so will help to accurately measure how much feed you give them.How much I dont know but dont let it get dry and only water a 4" circle around the stem.

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i cant see why there would be any problem with useing plane water on the coco, you would have to use it if you had over fed your coco anyway, bad info not useing plane water. stop giving out info you dont know what your talking about

go go kid

Well-Known Member
im well aware that it has no nutrients in it, otherwise i wouldent know that it has to be washed before you use it. how would you go about rectafying over nuted coco without oplane water then