That sucks Bro, sorry you had to deal with that shit. I have dealt with Gu three times now and he has always come through for me. I have Cookies and CHem, Deputy, Sundance, and EagleScout. All on reverse auctions and I paid about 32 to 44 for a pack of 11. My friends have grown out multiple strains and they are fire. However, I have heard negative things about the payment service two times now. So, I will start using money orders and collect on Greenpoints 5% or 10% discount for not using credit cards. Gu Stardawg is insane BRO, don't bash the product because of a shitty payment service located overseas. I understand you are pissed but hopefully he will make it right. Seedsman, has always done me good too bro. Hope something positive happens next for ya