Lucky Dog Seed Co.

I have painful neuropathy, IBS, and psoriasis on mr skin and in my joints. Chemdog has always helped with pain for me, especially the persistent nagging kind. You can’t get too much more “chem doggy” lol tm than lucky dog!
Halman9000 to cocoCowboy =

Technique for neuropathy pain relief that works for me .

There are three seperate cups of liquid .
In cup 1 is plain water
In cup 2 is coffee ( I use instant coffee)
In cup 3 in coffee with garlic powder and Louisiana Hot Sauce added .

Step one : take a small sip from cup 3
Step two : take a small sip from cup 2
Step three : take a small sip from cup 1


Repeat the three steps until neuropathy stops hurting and goes to Comfortable Numb .

I am not sure I have diabetic neuropathy ; it might be lactic acidosis or metabolic acidosis : but it is probably type 2 diabetic neuropathy and it hurts like HELL until I apply 3 step technique , Takes about an hour to go from extreme pain to comfortably numb . If the hot sauce makes you feel nauseated , drink some extra water and then continue with 3 step sequence .

I pray my method works for you .

God Bless You and Yours

Halman9000 to cocoCowboy =

Technique for neuropathy pain relief that works for me .

There are three seperate cups of liquid .
In cup 1 is plain water
In cup 2 is coffee ( I use instant coffee)
In cup 3 in coffee with garlic powder and Louisiana Hot Sauce added .

Step one : take a small sip from cup 3
Step two : take a small sip from cup 2
Step three : take a small sip from cup 1


Repeat the three steps until neuropathy stops hurting and goes to Comfortable Numb .

I am not sure I have diabetic neuropathy ; it might be lactic acidosis or metabolic acidosis : but it is probably type 2 diabetic neuropathy and it hurts like HELL until I apply 3 step technique , Takes about an hour to go from extreme pain to comfortably numb . If the hot sauce makes you feel nauseated , drink some extra water and then continue with 3 step sequence .

I pray my method works for you .

God Bless You and Yours

Thanks for passing this on! Sounds hardcore!
FWIW, my pain is manageable these days, it’s the glucose talking! You should get a diagnosis, and a meter, then get your diet under control. It will save your life! Also the pain comes WAY down.
While rebounding from my broken neck, which left me with lots of neurological pains, I started cutting sugar out of my diet for weight loss reasons.
Little did I know this would help lower my pain levels, I was just being vain wanting to look better, but it changed everything for the better.
Also, and this may not apply to everyone, but only drinking alkaline water led to another big drop in my pain.
While rebounding from my broken neck, which left me with lots of neurological pains, I started cutting sugar out of my diet for weight loss reasons.
Little did I know this would help lower my pain levels, I was just being vain wanting to look better, but it changed everything for the better.
Also, and this may not apply to everyone, but only drinking alkaline water led to another big drop in my pain.

Also refined carbs like flour, and starches like potatoes and corn have the same response as sugar in your system so cutting those will help as well.
For some people there is alkali versus acidic imbalance you really need to check the pH of your local water supply and what you’re putting in your body. We need a neutral ph also.
The carbs! Worse than sugar because they stay in your system longer but like you said it’s the same as sugar to your body.
it’s amazing how much better I feel! overall!
Fresh lemon can help balance ph**
It’s chop-day for my two Skelly-leaning Hunza Valleys. I’m not much of a photographer but I try


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Man, those buds look killer! How are they smelling? That's one I'd love to grow and smoke.

Hashy, if that makes sense. I have a taller chem-leaning pheno that’s gassy with a stronger funk behind it.

I also had three males that I havested for pollen. One was hashy on the stemrub, another was fuelly with a lot of funk (similar to the chem pheno), then the third one was all of the above and could be smelled without a rub. Mind you I still have 1/2pack to dig through next.

But like you I’m reserving room for that Schism lol
Hashy, if that makes sense. I have a taller chem-leaning pheno that’s gassy with a stronger funk behind it.

I also had three males that I havested for pollen. One was hashy on the stemrub, another was fuelly with a lot of funk (similar to the chem pheno), then the third one was all of the above and could be smelled without a rub. Mind you I still have 1/2pack to dig through next.

But like you I’m reserving room for that Schism lol
Anybody else stoked about this release?
Hope these don't sell out before I get a chance to grab some. New offering by Lucky Dog Seed Co.

Hey you guys see speakeasy vip just went live with the schism.
Halman9000 to cocoCowboy =

Technique for neuropathy pain relief that works for me .

There are three seperate cups of liquid .
In cup 1 is plain water
In cup 2 is coffee ( I use instant coffee)
In cup 3 in coffee with garlic powder and Louisiana Hot Sauce added .

Step one : take a small sip from cup 3
Step two : take a small sip from cup 2
Step three : take a small sip from cup 1


Repeat the three steps until neuropathy stops hurting and goes to Comfortable Numb .

I am not sure I have diabetic neuropathy ; it might be lactic acidosis or metabolic acidosis : but it is probably type 2 diabetic neuropathy and it hurts like HELL until I apply 3 step technique , Takes about an hour to go from extreme pain to comfortably numb . If the hot sauce makes you feel nauseated , drink some extra water and then continue with 3 step sequence .

I pray my method works for you .

God Bless You and Yours


Halman9000 to Halman9000 ; Dosage Infomation .

This use of coffee and Louusiana Hot Sauce and Garlic Powder intructions . :::: Ironically , one only needs to add a very small amount of Garlic Powder and Louisiana Hot Sauce . The common error for me was adding too much Hot Sauce and too much Garlic Powder , Use only one half Teaspoon of Hot Sauce and 1/16 th a Teaspoon of Garlic Power to 12 ounces of coffee . If my method is going to work and make my feet numb , I only need a very small amount of Hot Sauce and Garlic Powder , Also , the ingestion of medium amounts of water helps heuropathy pain in feet and legs .

The mistakes I made was to add too much of the active ingredients . Using too much Hot Sauce becomes very painful on the stomach . If you get pain from this folk medicine , it means you used too much of a dose of Hot Sauce ,

The benifit of using this folk medicine , it also gives me healthy oral part of the body .. Also this folk recipe is great for brain fog and depression , Apparently there are receptors in the brain and the body that are activated by the active ingredient in Hot Sauce .

Ginger and turmeric are great too, there’s some inflammation in the gut that adds to the pain and these help that part. I actually have a healthy shake type of thing I drink on an empty stomach that is actually making this all go away! I actually have the weirdness pain/tingle thing going away completely in my right foot!
Halman9000 to Halman9000 ; Dosage Infomation .

This use of coffee and Louusiana Hot Sauce and Garlic Powder intructions . :::: Ironically , one only needs to add a very small amount of Garlic Powder and Louisiana Hot Sauce . The common error for me was adding too much Hot Sauce and too much Garlic Powder , Use only one half Teaspoon of Hot Sauce and 1/16 th a Teaspoon of Garlic Power to 12 ounces of coffee . If my method is going to work and make my feet numb , I only need a very small amount of Hot Sauce and Garlic Powder , Also , the ingestion of medium amounts of water helps heuropathy pain in feet and legs .

The mistakes I made was to add too much of the active ingredients . Using too much Hot Sauce becomes very painful on the stomach . If you get pain from this folk medicine , it means you used too much of a dose of Hot Sauce ,

The benifit of using this folk medicine , it also gives me healthy oral part of the body .. Also this folk recipe is great for brain fog and depression , Apparently there are receptors in the brain and the body that are activated by the active ingredient in Hot Sauce .

I was thinking about it today, I put garlic and hot sauce on almost every thing!
I'm just not a fan of the theory of it. I understand plants are different than animals, but it's just so unnatural. Nowhere in nature does a son copulate with his mother. Or grandson with his grandma, etc. It's just kind of weird and I can't imagine it's good for the gene pool.

But I'm willing to check it out to see how it works with plants. In my very limited experience of bx'es, they have all been weak compared to regular sex plants on average. I get that in the plant world, the point of the bx is to lock in certain traits, but in my very limited opinion, I think there are better ways and bx-ing might be a sort of short cut for that end.
. It is weird to think of it that way , but thats how we / they bred our show pigeons , Got the best genetics that way
Halman9000 to Halman9000

Folk Medicine ; Beta Version 4.0 ; Concoction : Let me Clarify .

The Concoction involving compontion of Garlic or Garlic Powder , Hot Sauce , Coffee with Caffeine in it and now adding Peppermint .

The dosages I use depend on how sick I am and wether am close to needing a hospital , but do not want to go to hospital .

Neuropathy ; try weak dosage of coffee with hot sauce and garlic powder and now peppermint ( peppermint now being added as a compontent is what I enjoy calling a CONCOCTION ,

a mixture of various ingredients or elements.
"a concoction of gables, shingles, stained glass, and towers inspired by English medieval houses"
an elaborate story, especially a fabrication.
"her story is an improbable concoction

I use the definition : A mixture of various ; in my case meaning Folk Medicine Mixture .

Basically the more sick I am , the more the strong dosage .

Neuropathy weak dosage .

Low Blood Oxygen such as 84 . Blood Oxygen of 80 percent is where they have you on oxygen and are pondering putting you on a ventilator .

In this case of Low Oxygen I use a very potent concoction and have in the past started gobbling Raw Garlic .

FLU or Corona Novel Sars 2 virus or Bacteria from you gut and getting Sepsis Blood Poisoning ; very strong dose .

So basically I view Folk Medicine Strength to depend on how sick I am .

Everyone is different , and since garlic and hot sauce are blood thinners , the if you are on pills that are blood thinners like Warfin ; if that is your case then caution is to be taken and perhaps hot sauce without garlic in the concoction is possible .

Most doctors just roll their eyes up into their head and think I am crazy fool when I tell them that my folk medicine concoction works .
Then why am I still alive and healthy and why do I shake off any cold or flu and why are my blood oxygen levels very high as high as 100 percent on the meter they put on their finger . Why are all of my Vital signs near perfect ?

At any rate , after my past experience with surgeries and Intensive care units , I swithched over to Folk medicine . I still take some prescription medicines , but only because I have not found the correct Concoction to replace those pills .

When I take high doses of Hot Sauce I blow all the food out of my digestive system purposely in order to flush bad bacteria out of my gut , because if I don't the bad bacteria get in my blood and then into my organs and would kill me if I did not do this . Doctors would put me of IV antibiotics and antifungal IV and fluids and Electrolytes IV and they would put my in the Intensive Care Unit .

Reacently I was eating Christmas Candy , and ate a bunch of peppermint candy and learned it has many medicinal properties , one of which is to cure diahrea , which means now I can take large quantaties of hot sauce and flush all of the food out of my digestive system , without the diahrea. Peppermint also reduces pain from neuropathy , fights brain deppresion of the mental state .

There are about 10 things good about peppermint and I have best results dropping two or three quick disolve peppermint candy into my coffee garlic hot sauce concoction . Or you could buy some peppermint essential oil . The peppermint tea does not seem to work for me .

So if you are thinking about getting off of Pills that are blood thinners like Warfin , because of the side effects you don't like , then you might consider strong doses of concoction that include enough garlic to thin the blood , then a Folk Medicine mixture might be an alternative medicine .

Tne Peppermint addition to my concoction was discovered by coincidence when eating Christmas Peppermint Candy . It is a quick disolve candy that they call soft peppermint candy , but is actually like chalk , and disolves in my coffee rapidly . It cures Diahrea .

Also Garllc increases the Blood Oxygen Saturation extremely effectively . You can actually measure you Blood oxygen ( It is an inexpensive meter that clamps onto you finger and measures Blood Oxygen Saturation ) and if your blood oxygen is low , you can ingest garlic in large amounts and see one half an hour later , you blood oxygen saturation will go from say 87 percent oxygen saturation , up to 99 or 100 in one half of an hour . In Vietnam they use garlic for Covid and have little need for ventilators .

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