Pandemic 2020

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So what will happen to you if you disobey orders to lockdown?
Roughly $100 fine if you do it in groups of more than 2 people from same home, which was aleady the case for a few months. Can still go out to jog or walk the dog for example. The biggest change is closing non-essential stores and schools and musea etc. Restaurants and bars were already closed. With the crappy weather this time of year it’s not a major issue for most except for shopping.
I read something about 85% of people that get covid report wearing masks all the time.

Would you like a tissue and a minute to compose yourself ?
I'd like a peer reviewed study posted by someone with brains enough to understand statistical analysis, that ain't you. Do you have anything to say about covid that doesn't involve murdering American citizens with disinformation, cause I haven't seen it. It might be time for the monkey to go, but that's the ADMINS call. I figure RIU is better than twitter and Facebook and they have banned people for less and can change the TOS at will. If it were my call you'd be history and you'd be history on most other platforms, except the parlor where I'm sure you already have an account.
Admit it, you ask mommy to shine a light under your bed to make sure there's no monsters hiding there before she tucks you in don't you ?
Nope, if there is a monster under my bed it is likely a 160 pound dog whose bone rolled under it.

You like trying to shame people into believing your cult leader's lies? Kind of makes you seem like a controlling dick. Especially with how much you like to pretend you are against anything and everything that places boundaries on people.

The whole do as I say not as I do vibe is thick with you.

I read something about 85% of people that get covid report wearing masks all the time.

Would you like a tissue and a minute to compose yourself ?

And we are supposed to just believe what you 'read' when your last link was to a nazi conspiracy theorist?

Your anti-masking trolling is bullshit.
That's not a very good argument.

If you want to wear a mask, go ahead. If you want people that come to your property, (assuming you aren't government affiliated) that should be your call. Choice is what makes people free.
Hate and disinformation turn them into slaves, not democratically elected governments. You to have a choice, grab your gun, do yourself and make it a final one. I have no problem with making the suggestion either, it's just math, you dead= more lives saved, it's the same formula I use with Trump. It's how you reduce a moral question to an ethical one, and in your case the call ain't hard to make.
So what do you think about that @Rob Roy ? In some European countries they beat you up for disobeying lockdown rules and/or you need a pass to show it’s work related. While I don’t agree with your radical ideas of anarchism (nor your flawed mask logic(, it is an interesting point of view as it is one of the two extreme sides between which most governments try to find a balance. People in NL are quick to refer to fascism and nazi gestapo shit with even the slightest enforcement of rules (“fur ihre Sicherheit”is what the nazis said, for your own safety is what the governments say now). Just as Americans, we’re a bunch of Braveheart wannabees who value our freedom. But we also value life just enough to do the things that seem obvious sound approaches to a life and health threatening virus. I’m not happy with the lockdown even though practically I don’t terribly mind cause it doesn’t change my planning much (still 3 visitors allowed with Xmas) but I rather save my resistance for the time it matters and is necessary instead of doing the cry fascism thing now and waste ammo. So far it’s been pretty democratic here. We didn’t get a mask mandate till most people wanted it, same with lockdown. Most people have been asking for more strict measures for a while.
I'd like a peer reviewed study posted by someone with brains enough to understand statistical analysis, that ain't you. Do you have anything to say about covid that doesn't involve murdering American citizens with disinformation, cause I haven't seen it. It might be time for the monkey to go, but that's the ADMINS call. I figure RIU is better than twitter and Facebook and they have banned people for less and can change the TOS at will. If it were my call you'd be history and you'd be history on most other platforms, except the parlor where I'm sure you already have an account.
I saw a chart like this one when I went in to get my new glasses a couple three weeks ago. I liked it a lot. Simple and easy to understand. Not sure if it's peer reviewed or not, but it does impress that the biggest benefit of mask wearing is for folks who are covid carriers and don't realize it.

Here too
Coronavirus: First COVID-19 vaccines administered in Canada

Canada is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as the first COVID-19 vaccines were administered in Canada on Monday.

In Ontario, the first vaccines were given to long-term care workers and will continue to be doled out to those considered high risk to the virus. But the overall delivery of the vaccine to the Canadian public is unlikely to begin until 2021. Eric Sorensen reports on the process unfolding in Ontario.

Quebec was the other province to see vaccines administered on Monday, with long-term care homes seeing the first doses. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine needs to be kept ultra cold and was deemed too complex to move vaccinations beyond inside hospitals in many jurisdictions.

But Quebec overcame that and as Mike Armstrong explains, some of the most vulnerable Quebecers are the first to be protected.
I saw a chart like this one when I went in to get my new glasses a couple three weeks ago. I liked it a lot. Simple and easy to understand. Not sure if it's peer reviewed or not, but it does impress that the biggest benefit of mask wearing is for folks who are covid carriers and don't realize it.

N95 masks protect healthcare workers who work in a sea of infection. In Canada they they now recommend a three layer mask and if you are vulnerable an N95 is recommended. There have been new studies done on mask wearing that indicate they offer substantial protection from infection, depending on the quality of course. I haven't looked into it too closely though for sometime, masks are a good idea for protection of others and oneself, especially an N95 with a surgical mask over it as a prefilter. Avoiding social contact or indoor spaces does more good though, a mask shows you care about others, including the healthcare workers who are at the end of their rope. Like Trump, masks are a good way to find out who the assholes in your life are.
N95 masks protect healthcare workers who work in a sea of infection. In Canada they they now recommend a three layer mask and if you are vulnerable an N95 is recommended. There have been new studies done on mask wearing that indicate they offer substantial protection from infection, depending on the quality of course. I haven't looked into it too closely though for sometime, masks are a good idea for protection of others and oneself, especially an N95 with a surgical mask over it as a prefilter. Avoiding social contact or indoor spaces does more good though, a mask shows you care about others, including the healthcare workers who are at the end of their rope. Like Trump, masks are a good way to find out who the assholes in your life are.
There is a good real world study on mask wearing. Emirates Airlines require 100% testing and mask wearing on their flights. The tests are not rapid, so some people do travel with covid. But they are able to see how many people on the planes caught if from those positive travelers. Here's the story from NPR.

I didn't know what to with this or where to place it, but it is important in my mind that it be noticed/remembered, so I'm placing it here.
2020 sucked on so many levels, but in the future there lies Hope, right?

So what do you think about that @Rob Roy ? In some European countries they beat you up for disobeying lockdown rules and/or you need a pass to show it’s work related.

Slaves needed passes to travel too, didn't they ?

It will only end when people rise up.

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