Let there be white: mc130p's horticultural adventure continues

Hello RIU peoples! Happy Halloween!

I hope you're all doing well! I got my control box in the mail yesterday. I mounted it on the back of the cabinet right below the exhaust vent. It's basically right behind the Intermatic timer on the wall on the right in the attached pic. I put all the drivers in there and the reduction in heat is massive. The main fan barely ever kicks on now and only remains on for about 20 seconds when it kicks on. I have an older refrigerator that is louder than this thing... I'm very happy :) The plant is growing quickly, probably will only veg it for another week.
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first photo ...mmmmm...dont have an electrician friend on your zone?...what is her opinion about first photo?...
...dont have an HVAC tech friend on your zone?...what is her opinion about first photo?...
...you can do the same photo without plant...or with other legal plant...like tomatoes...
....waste some time to knowing her opinions and POVs...i learn a lot from technicians...time well wasted...
...curious about her answers.... to take notes...or other POVs...

...its only my poor old exelectrician POV...

Saludos desde Tenerife
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first photo ...mmmmm...dont have an electrician friend on your zone?...what is her opinion about first photo?...
...dont have an HVAC tech friend on your zone?...what is her opinion about first photo?...
...you can do the same photo without plant...or with other legal plant...like tomatoes...
....waste some time to knowing her opinions and POVs...i learn a lot from technicians...time well wasted...
...curious about her answers.... to take notes...or other POVs...

...its only my poor old exelectrician POV...

Saludos desde Tenerife
not sure what the problem is. i'm pretty happy with how it works. seems pretty safe too. but if you have suggestions im happy to hear them!
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not sure what the problem is. i'm pretty happy with how it works. seems pretty safe too. but if you have suggestions im happy to hear them!

...calm...maybe its ok for you and you dont like hear my tipical sugestions...maybe hear other friends technicians opinions...not technicians friends on your zone?...ask for the same sapce and conditions with technicians on your zone....regulations...advertises or safety recomendations...on your zone....growing tomatoes...or other fruits... ....maybe learn something new...or forgeted...or ignored...or maybe not learn nothing...all its ok...ok no problemo for me...

...elecrtrician tech with skills on alternatives Energies...automatizations on edifices or homes greenhouses...
...HVAC technicians...
...Plumber technicians...
other technicians...give you ...seems to me...good info...some notes and other POVs...(i Love learn with her notes and POV...you can learn if you ...take note too... )
safety first because persons are involved and are irremplazables....

PD... como le decia a un Bro...antes de confiar en la automatizacion...hay que confiar en la instalacion electrica...en la de fontaneria... en la de climatizacion...y luego ves que automatizas y como....
para automatizacion....primero añadimos sensores que no afectan a la automatizacion y aprendes.... al confiar en buenos equipos...vas delegando confianza...y añadiendo sensores y automatizaciones poco a poco aprendes confias y delegas...o no...a tu ritmo...a tu manera...

Saludos desde Tenerife de un pobre y viejo exelectricista canario
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forgot to say, thanks for stopping by @salmonetin ! i haven't seen you online for a long time!

yes, i agree that safety comes first! cant be burning down my house! that's why i have several safety features involved:
1. thermal switch to the main power that cuts off at 109F internal temperature. 2. 12V relay controls power to the lights so they can't turn on if the fans don't have power. 3. fire extinguisher 4. i tried to keep all electrical connections away from anywhere water can splash. i still need to put a covers over the new strip lights that had a daisy chaining plugs on their far ends. A few of my family members are residential or commercial electricians and i worked avionics for a number of years. I wish I had some people that I could show it to and get their opinions in person, but it's still not the best idea in my area to do such a thing. Hopefully that changes soon!

The fan/exhaust ducting is just my idea, I couldn't think of a better way to fit it all in there while still keeping the air path mostly free of hard corners for good flow. The register box is insulated to help kill the sound of the fan. I also put the egg carton foam inside of the ducting leading up to the register box. The carbon scrubber is held to the ceiling with a 1/2 inch bolt. You drill a hole in a new filter and use the bolt with rubber grommets, washers, and a nut, to seal it and attach to the ceiling.
I said fuck it. Half the people here complaining about miracle grow probably can't wait to get a new vaccine. The other half don't even know why they don't like miracle grow, or it's based on some anti-capitalist progressive bs reasoning. NPK is NPK. I laugh at the organic growers and their heavy metal enriched nutrient sources. If the environment is so polluted, what are you doing using wild nutrient sources? They are the same people that talk about how polluted the world's water sources are and then tell you to eat a diet high in fish. And then you have the "muh white ash" people. They also don't know what they're talking about. Any plant that has been properly grown, dried, and cured will burn to white ash.
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You still rocking the same setup as you were 4 years go. IE 3 75 watt cob's?

Also a little update on my 3 tents. The Dina Fem Purple Afghan Kush is given her all and the DNA Nicole Kush is looking awesome however the Dina Fem Kush and Cheese didn't make it so I threw down a DNA 24K Gold.

Yea fuck what people say. Check this out I sold a bag to a friends buddy and he said this was some amazing organic shit and I said how do you know this and he stated that because it burnt white when finished in his bowl and it also didn't snap crackle and pop that those were tall tell signs of organic grown weed. I then informed him that I knew the grower personally and this weed was grown in a hydroponically with salts. :eyesmoke:
You still rocking the same setup as you were 4 years go. IE 3 75 watt cob's?

Also a little update on my 3 tents. The Dina Fem Purple Afghan Kush is given her all and the DNA Nicole Kush is looking awesome however the Dina Fem Kush and Cheese didn't make it so I threw down a DNA 24K Gold.

Yea fuck what people say. Check this out I sold a bag to a friends buddy and he said this was some amazing organic shit and I said how do you know this and he stated that because it burnt white when finished in his bowl and it also didn't snap crackle and pop that those were tall tell signs of organic grown weed. I then informed him that I knew the grower personally and this weed was grown in a hydroponically with salts. :eyesmoke:
So, I have two 3590's on the sides and one 3070 in the middle at 3000K and 5000K, respectively. Those are the same lights I've been running for a long time now, even the same drivers. I recently added two 30W strip lights (3' length, 5000K) in two corners as well. I think the total power for lights is ~250W.

Nice, I like DinaFem seeds. I'd have to look through my stash and see which ones I've grown-it's been a while, but I do remember they were really good.

Haha, that's funny about your friend's friend. Don't tell too many people the secret! People have beliefs and it's impossible to argue with beliefs, so I just look for what works and do that while keeping my mouth shut. I love to let people tell me how I grew the weed.
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Chroni's penguin fertilizer is doing the trick....

Do you reuse/recycle the soil?

Happy holidays, I'll be counting ceiling tiles till I get my off season job back.

Edit... Love little shop of horrors, nice one dawg, had a giggle.
normally i don't reuse the soil because the pots are usually completely filled with roots by the end, so I just end up throwing away a large rootball. This one though, I did reuse the soil from the first plant I attempted.
I have never ran Dina Fem before but I have heard good things about them. To be honest I just running freebies I received from Attitude seed bank.

Nice still rocking old school and producing. Yea I get a kick out of todays cannabis user/grower they think they know so much and to be honest theirs some very nice talent out their today. However on the average their just dumb ass just throwing names and phrases around. Hell if my buddies friend every smoked true organically grown weed he would know mine wasn't even close in taste. I do love the taste of organic just no a fan of the short high imho organic is lacking the punch.

Here's one of those Tide pod kids :hump:
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