
And I’ll wager a chill fled up your spine responding to the old magic.
It was weird to see, thats for sure... Aramaic was new.
I think I did wait a second, now that you mentioned it.

He has a bit of PTSD, seeing how his village was burned down, most of his family was executed, then tortured for a while.
That's probably the better part of his story. Lebanon was a bloodbath, to him it's Armageddon and End of Days.
He takes the 4th century approach to religion, apostates are to be put to death or return to the Church.
It was weird to see, thats for sure... Aramaic was new.
I think I did wait a second, now that you mentioned it.

He has a bit of PTSD, seeing how his village was burned down, most of his family was executed, then tortured for a while.
That's probably the better part of his story. Lebanon was a bloodbath, to him it's Armageddon and End of Days.
He takes the 4th century approach to religion, apostates are to be put to death or return to the Church.
Such a shame. We now have safe and effective oral medications for apostate issues.
Such a shame. We now have safe and effective oral medications for apostate issues.
My brother posted pictures on FB of my family all close together at Thanksgiving with no masks (I, of course, did not attend). Several of them have underlying health conditions. They are expecting me to come to xmas. I love you guys, but fuck you and good luck...
It is always darkest before the dawn yet some people seem to feel compelled to lemming themselves off a cliff when the cavalry is close enough to hear. Human nature can be a sad thing.
My brother posted pictures on FB of my family all close together at Thanksgiving with no masks (I, of course, did not attend). Several of them have underlying health conditions. They are expecting me to come to xmas. I love you guys, but fuck you and good luck...

Yeah it's getting rough with my parents. They're in Florida and just don't get it/believe it. They're both early 70's with a range of health issues. My mom is overweight, high blood pressure etc. My dad asthma/lung cancer survivor. They're like the poster demographic of who is susceptible and my mom's just like, "I believe in my immune system " Well I don't think it believes in you. I just saw my mom comment on a post on FB from some crazy right winger about how we won't come see her because I dont think she's taking it seriously enough. The other night she was all crying like "what happens if I die from something else, waiting for you to come see me?" And I'm like well if I do come see you the likelihood of that happening increases tenfold. My sister and her family have been estranged from the rest of us for about 6 years now. So my daughter is basically the only grandchild. And I know it's hard not seeing her for a year+ but I aint trying to kill my parents and give my kid as of yet unknown long term health challenges. It's like the whole thing with chickenpox. I think I was the last generation pre-vaccine and it was like "here come over and get it done with, it's nothing to worry about it's just an itchy rash". Then 40 years later it's like "hey remember that itchy rash we told you not to worry about? Well now it's called shingles and it gives you some pretty debilitating nerve pains". My wife can attest to that unfortunately. And then there's the whole thing of the kid being home all day and my wife and her being at each other's throats. I think the kid is doing fine with the virtual learning, she's pretty smart. The no other kids social interaction isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be , I think. But staring at an iPad for 8 hours a day has got to be not healthy, I would think. It's tough over here in the neo household sometimes. I love you guys.
Yeah it's getting rough with my parents. They're in Florida and just don't get it/believe it. They're both early 70's with a range of health issues. My mom is overweight, high blood pressure etc. My dad asthma/lung cancer survivor. They're like the poster demographic of who is susceptible and my mom's just like, "I believe in my immune system " Well I don't think it believes in you. I just saw my mom comment on a post on FB from some crazy right winger about how we won't come see her because I dont think she's taking it seriously enough. The other night she was all crying like "what happens if I die from something else, waiting for you to come see me?" And I'm like well if I do come see you the likelihood of that happening increases tenfold. My sister and her family have been estranged from the rest of us for about 6 years now. So my daughter is basically the only grandchild. And I know it's hard not seeing her for a year+ but I aint trying to kill my parents and give my kid as of yet unknown long term health challenges. It's like the whole thing with chickenpox. I think I was the last generation pre-vaccine and it was like "here come over and get it done with, it's nothing to worry about it's just an itchy rash". Then 40 years later it's like "hey remember that itchy rash we told you not to worry about? Well now it's called shingles and it gives you some pretty debilitating nerve pains". My wife can attest to that unfortunately. And then there's the whole thing of the kid being home all day and my wife and her being at each other's throats. I think the kid is doing fine with the virtual learning, she's pretty smart. The no other kids social interaction isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be , I think. But staring at an iPad for 8 hours a day has got to be not healthy, I would think. It's tough over here in the neo household sometimes. I love you guys.

You're a good son a great husband and an even better father, you'll get through this my friend! Penis. JUst so you know my admiration comes with a reach around.
Stay safe bud.

Estranging myself was a good thing for me pre-pandemic. In the last year, it has become one of the best choices I ever made.

Since I am the only person who has me as a number one priority, I can make all my choices based on that with no guilt. Once I am safe, I do my best to not endanger anyone else.

When someone tries to use guilt or any other form of manipulation to compel me into acting against my own best interests, I see it and resent it. That resentment makes it even easier for me to tell the manipulator where to go and to resist future bullshit. The motives of the manipulator are irrelevant. "We love you and want to see you" does not make endangering me the slightest bit more acceptable.