Mars hydro leds not fully turning off

Mars hydro lights won’t turn fully off when turned off, they stay dimmed slightly, have tried almost everything different timers, wall sockets ect... Has anyone with the mars-ts series experienced this problem
Try it in an outlet on the other side of the house. It may be the wiring in the house... but most likely if you touch the light you will get shocked lol I've heard some stories.
I think that most folks that run into this issue with the fixture not turning off find that the wiring of the wall plug in the home isn't right.
Look at how a standard duplex outlet is supposed to be wired(hot, neutral, and ground) and I'll bet you will find the issue.
The fixture is probably allowing a small current backfeed because the timer isn't switching the hot leg.

Check your power strips too.
I’ve tried different outlets all over the house , as well as outlets in a different house. Tried no power strip,no timer, different power strip different timers. Nothing will work
Hay @MarsHydrofactory you say that you will take care of it so why have your guys at the facility you are so proud of have not even responded to your customer man you guys have got a set of balls TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMER as always thank for what nothing
I'm guessing you had a serious power spike that screwed up the power supplies. You should run everything thru surge suppressor power strips.

I've seen that happen with Emergency lights, really weird stuff happens when half the AC/DC conversion circuit fries out, it puts out 7 vs 12v that won't shut off, sound familiar?
I'm guessing you had a serious power spike that screwed up the power supplies. You should run everything thru surge suppressor power strips.

I've seen that happen with Emergency lights, really weird stuff happens when half the AC/DC conversion circuit fries out, it puts out 7 vs 12v that won't shut off, sound familiar?
Yes odd output can result with various damage to the rectifier circuit (diodes or tired caps). What I can't see is why it faintly stays on when off; the OP didn't state the on output was low (which it would be in your scenario). I assume the power switch is fucked or there is a bad ground or short.
The first step you should check, is confirming that your home power is wired correctly. Use a receptacle outlet tester like this, to confirm that the home wiring is correct:

If the home wiring tests correct, it's possible that the Mars Hydro factory wired the driver backwards, so that would be the next thing I would check. If either of those are wired backwards, you can easily make an adaptor cable that swaps the hot and the neutral to get you back in business.
it's possible that the Mars Hydro factory wired the driver backwards
I don't think that matters to most power supplies. AC should go into a step down transformer first thing and regardless of the phase your diodes are going to render a positive wave output. Still would not explain the 'not turning off' issue. I am certainly open to hearing your thoughts though. :bigjoint:
I don't think that matters to most power supplies. AC should go into a step down transformer first thing and regardless of the phase your diodes are going to render a positive wave output. Still would not explain the 'not turning off' issue. I am certainly open to hearing your thoughts though. :bigjoint:
That's true but correct wiring of power at the wall will still matter. I guess the only thing I was thinking is that it if the lights have an single pole on/off switch built in, maybe it's wired backwards before the switch.
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That's true but correct wiring of power at the wall will still matter. I guess the only thing I was thinking is that it if the lights have an single pole on/off switch built in, maybe it's wired backwards before the switch.
That's what I'm thinking probably the issue.
Normally, the timer will interrupt the hot leg of the 120v circuit, so no ac voltage is present in the circuit.
If the polarity of the duplex outlet is reversed, the lamp always has 120v applied to the circuit on the neutral wire of the fixture and I'm thinking that it's back feeding through a ground circuit in the power supply.
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The first step you should check, is confirming that your home power is wired correctly. Use a receptacle outlet tester like this, to confirm that the home wiring is correct:

If the home wiring tests correct, it's possible that the Mars Hydro factory wired the driver backwards, so that would be the next thing I would check. If either of those are wired backwards, you can easily make an adaptor cable that swaps the hot and the neutral to get you back in business.
Ya, they do thing a little different in China.
Same issue. First run with these lights, one light wont turn off at the switch, have to actually unplug it amd noticed tonight that the other three dont shut off fully either. Sounds like they have a faulty run.
Same issue. First run with these lights, one light wont turn off at the switch, have to actually unplug it amd noticed tonight that the other three dont shut off fully either. Sounds like they have a faulty run.
Same. I've heard the workaround is a mechanical time that cuts power completely. Not a digital one.
I wish this was my experience, but my problem was worse one day i went to move a mars tsw model and the aluminum board was electrified one of the drivers was leaking electrical current. this resulted in me getting a good zap. well mars never answered the complaint i sent emails and notified them here never heard back from either of them. goes without saying i no longer use their product
I wish this was my experience, but my problem was worse one day i went to move a mars tsw model and the aluminum board was electrified one of the drivers was leaking electrical current. this resulted in me getting a good zap. well mars never answered the complaint i sent emails and notified them here never heard back from either of them. goes without saying i no longer use their product
How many watts was it pushing?
Yea thats just dangerous. I would have taken video of me getting shocked after they didn't respond and post that shit directly here.
