Need help with plant


Well-Known Member
Info needed to give proper help.. Basics like soil being used, nutrients, Ph checking yes or no, temps, humidity, airflow and light being used.


Well-Known Member
Your light from what i understand causes this.Calmag and LED go together.


Will one of these help ? And if so how much thanks
Yes all three will help, amount needed per gallon of water should be on the back of the bottle and use a PH up solution as nute's drag the PH way down
From the amount of red (anthocyanins) on the veins and leaf stems and yellowing on the lower leaves you may have a bit of a nute lockout. If your PH run off (not the PH going in) is 6.5 up your Phosphorus (This should help eliminate some of the red in the stems and leaves allowing N to move freely) and give it at least a week to show signs of improvement. If your PH run off is out of whack then that is the issue that needs to be fixed first and foremost to allow nutrients to move freely and efficiently throughout the plant.