How to find a grow house in uk


Active Member
So I been growing a lil while now, Feels like I could do a grow house maybe with help from a friend or my girl, how do you get one? what you gotta do? is there somewhere specific u look or suttin specific u look for? I ain’t got a clue how to do it but here in U.K. Vietnamese guys and Albanians that don’t even speak English most of the time are running the show. I was selling hard drugs for most of my teenage life to my early mid 20’s and I got caught but haven’t been charged yet and tbh a good while has gone by since I got arrested and I’m lookin for a new path in life basically, got no education, not really any family to help jus a chunk of leftover cash from back then, I’m doing a college course right now to become a gas engineer wages don’t look too bad in the field and if I could grow some weed on the side till it’s legal and go into it properly and till then live a bit more comfortable then maybe that’s a decent path to transition too.
Renting a house it will get inspected every 3 months unless you have a dodgy landlord, and then you have neighbours to worry about, does the house looked lived in, comings and goings to feed plants etc there's lots of angles to look at. Some years ago built a few for a guy in London yes a viet. he ended up with a 10 stretch mind that could have been the world of cocaine that did that not so much the weed.
Prepared if you get caught? filth will have the NCA on you and the anti money laundering boys, they will go through your assets and strip you. Plus a bit of added bird.
is it worth it?

How much cash you got.
thought of the legal way? a licence is £4700 (last time I looked) mind you will need a chunk of change with the rest of the regs but it is possible.
crazy idea renting out a property for just one grow, and the police arnt stpid, your probably red flagged as it is. your funeral
Renting a house it will get inspected every 3 months unless you have a dodgy landlord, and then you have neighbours to worry about, does the house looked lived in, comings and goings to feed plants etc there's lots of angles to look at. Some years ago built a few for a guy in London yes a viet. he ended up with a 10 stretch mind that could have been the world of cocaine that did that not so much the weed.
Prepared if you get caught? filth will have the NCA on you and the anti money laundering boys, they will go through your assets and strip you. Plus a bit of added bird.
is it worth it?

How much cash you got.
thought of the legal way? a licence is £4700 (last time I looked) mind you will need a chunk of change with the rest of the regs but it is possible.
Licence? In the UK?
My thoughts also got excited for a brief second ☮
yes its £4700 for a high THC licence £20k for a solicitor to get it for you then a premises no school with .25 of a mile 8 foot barbed wire topped fencing external cctv monitoring service like group 4 or similar. premises with owners permission rented or owned steel lined store room an a few other bits and bobs not too much really.
then once you have grown it you have to rend it to oil and destroy the remains though the our Gov can and has imported high thc flowers for medicine nothing like a bit of double standards
Guys I weren’t talkin about a 5 bed house I was talkin about a 1 or 2 bed flat or suttin with a couple tents in I don’t really feel like gangsters and organised crime comes with it like someone said I weren’t talkin about becoming the new howard marks I was talkin bout doin a lil suttin to get abit of extra cash I’ve taken crazy risks in my life before and the sentence for a grow is from a fine and community service to a year or 2 sentence which would be a few months behind the door and then tag not really scared of that wasn’t askin anyone on here to do it with me wasn’t tryna get anyone involved in anything was jus askin if anyone’s done it and got any advice to someone who might be considering and tbh that legal medicinal idea does sound good might have to look into that I’ve got some pennies behind me but if I found an oppurtunity that was legal and could help people move away from a lifestyle they might be in I could get investment, I love growing weed i find it therapeutic aswell as the weed itself
Guys I weren’t talkin about a 5 bed house I was talkin about a 1 or 2 bed flat or suttin with a couple tents in I don’t really feel like gangsters and organised crime comes with it like someone said I weren’t talkin about becoming the new howard marks I was talkin bout doin a lil suttin to get abit of extra cash I’ve taken crazy risks in my life before and the sentence for a grow is from a fine and community service to a year or 2 sentence which would be a few months behind the door and then tag not really scared of that wasn’t askin anyone on here to do it with me wasn’t tryna get anyone involved in anything was jus askin if anyone’s done it and got any advice to someone who might be considering and tbh that legal medicinal idea does sound good might have to look into that I’ve got some pennies behind me but if I found an oppurtunity that was legal and could help people move away from a lifestyle they might be in I could get investment, I love growing weed i find it therapeutic aswell as the weed itself
Done the same as you, the 80s were a shit time for me, I'm from Birkenhead, terrible times the 80s, but having a few tents is what all the people do here, you couldn't find better resource for learning it's all in the search bar DIY lights building grows the lot, have fun mate.
Done the same as you, the 80s were a shit time for me, I'm from Birkenhead, terrible times the 80s, but having a few tents is what all the people do here, you couldn't find better resource for learning it's all in the search bar DIY lights building grows the lot, have fun mate.
Small world la lol
You'd be best off doing a gorilla grow outside in summer if you just want a few extra bucks

Find a few good places 100 plants easy 1 million monies!
Know anyone that owns their house with a spare bedroom..?

Otherwise private rentals without inspections.

Here in Australia alot of houses have big outside sheds etc you can get away with growing in and lock up during inspections.
I heard a guy bought a caravan.
Caravans are also great, they can't check inside during inspection, intake hole under 1 wheel arch, exhaust in the other.

Cut a hole in the floor for drainage. Usually have cupboards for veg and cloning too. Cheap ones pop up all the time.
In old blighty, there are a few simple things that will get you by when it comes to growing in rentals.
1, No Estate agents !!
2, find the private landlords that do not like to do anything to the property, no new kitchens and bathroom with high quality finish ! (Unless you go real big and expensive) landlords where cash is all ! Don't come unless they ain't paid !
3,keep it in the bedrooms ! Use rest of property normally, tv, sofa , fridge etc spend time there, not just essentials on the grow front !
4, think neighbours ! Think nosy neighbours ! no noise, be nice, polite and useful if required !
5, Electricity, pay for it, as for everything else too
If electric and gas meters are in house make sure it looks ok and smells ok at all times !
6, use tents or do a room inside a room and do not damage anything that doesn't belong to you !
yes its £4700 for a high THC licence £20k for a solicitor to get it for you then a premises no school with .25 of a mile 8 foot barbed wire topped fencing external cctv monitoring service like group 4 or similar. premises with owners permission rented or owned steel lined store room an a few other bits and bobs not too much really.
then once you have grown it you have to rend it to oil and destroy the remains though the our Gov can and has imported high thc flowers for medicine nothing like a bit of double standards