How to arrange various hps lamps

I have 2 1000w hps and 1 600. 1 ballast is dimmable. Im trying to blow out my 12×4 space. I was thinking start with 600w at lowest setting after intial 2 weeks.Then notch up every week. Then a few weeks later switch to 1000w. Then add the 600w back in again lowest setting. I know i got too much light i just want to know should i ever use all 3 in that space?
600 is good for 4x4 and 1000 is good for "up to 5x5", could stretch it a bit farther with a good hood maybe. So basically you need all three of your lights right from the beginning if you have a 12' length.
If it were me...
Exchange the 600 for another 1kW with 3 of these...
3kW can grow a decent amount.
20201206_173546.jpg 20201206_173603.jpg 20201205_224024.jpg
Its dependent on your reflector and height too the lights footprint.
I believe that is the real key to lighting, before I started using a parabolic 1gpw was only a target/guide figure now it's an expectation.
Idk what height it's at, what point do I measure to lol.
Edit... 250 mh bulb, try that with horizontal and you'll loose skin!

The heat from a parabolic gets thrown out horizontal so beneath is relatively cool in comparison to a regular horizontal fixture.
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