The most hated question


Well-Known Member
They look ready to me but can you check the trichomes with a loupe? I think that is the most accurate way to tell. It depends on how couchlocky you want to feel as well.
Pretty flowers (: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ending week seven, has been under sun in west Florida as well as 600 watt hps. Any thoughts on chop time?????
Damn!! It looks like its been snowing down there where you're at with all the frost on that baby! As long as you're bringing it in during bad weather you should be fine letting it go a bit longer, see how frosty it can get!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Looks good now. I would get yourself a jewelers loupe or microscope and take a look at the trichome heads. You want them to look creamy like this, it's when the THC is highest.


No such thing as a bad question, if someone gets on you about a question in the help sections then they're in the wrong place.