Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

Donald likes Russians, I say ya hire this Russian to bitch slap him back to reality, in case Batman is unavailable, or has contract issues. I figure ya could get this guy cheap and fly him over for the job, if he can't bitch slap some sense into Donald nobody can, the guy is a pro...

I tried Putin. He said, “Я ненавижу искать свою анальную пробку, когда спит моя милая медоносная пчела,” whatever that means.
I tried Putin. He said, “Я ненавижу искать свою анальную пробку, когда спит моя милая медоносная пчела,” whatever that means.
Your sex life is your own business, here in Canada it's any act between consenting adults!

This guy could make the asshole sleep for sure.
Donald likes Russians, I say ya hire this Russian to bitch slap him back to reality, in case Batman is unavailable, or has contract issues. I figure ya could get this guy cheap and fly him over for the job, if he can't bitch slap some sense into Donald nobody can, the guy is a pro...

damn! what people do for fun..that one guy with blue on in the beginning was hitting people way past cheek into ear area; really just tried to take the guys head off and almost did.