Well-Known Member
Sounds about right, there should be a cut out for seedlings and clones plus double the plant count. I think I can get that increase pretty easy though. I wanted my wife to do the same, she said she would this summer. Next time the doc is in I’ll get the increase, $35.m
Exactly. The license is super easy to get. I even told her I’d pay. Can’t do anything until my landlord gets over the ‘rona though, and even then he’ll probably want something from her. He’s a greedy bastard and didn’t sign mine until I did a whole bunch of remodeling for him at a pretty steep discount. Like an entire make ready on one of his other rentals, diamond plaster over these wavy ass adobe walls and kiva fireplace. A job I should have made about $1800 on but ended up doing for about $800.
I really hope they at least adjust the plant counts up to 6 flowering and like 24 immature. I got to know one of the progressive state senate candidates from my area that just got elected, and I was planning on hitting her up once she’s sworn in about what they might have in store. She wants to lead the push on a really good recreational bill with the goal of “diversifying the state economy”, in her words.
id start hacking up a lung and breathing heavy if they ever called or came by to give the 24hrs notice lol. be like man i can barely make it to the door and i havent been able to smell or taste for weeks, but you guys can risk it if you want to come count my 4 plants
The exact thought had occurred to me as well. I don’t think they mess with you unless there’s a lot of traffic at your place. I think I got covid early on. Just read this article about how it was in the western US starting in December of last year and I got really sick in late January. Missed almost a full week of work.
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