Are u fucking serious...ok look these were grown from some commercial weed i smoked in may..bottom of the bag, 7 million seeds shit. I tell myself to believe theres something that will still go wrong, the taste, smell high u know. But they look awesome to me to dude..congrats on the grow that shit looks good.... It's ok to share lol
Theve been going down slowly now for about 2 weeks or so..Are they down all the time? Or only at start of light after dark. Weed is a very active plant and leaves move up and down everyday. They even turn towards the light if its not right on them.
Thanks man, what do u mean "postion them"? with string is its str8?no worries you will be pulling soon, since your flushing you cant poison them. it should be smooth sailing from here. looks great. keep it up. late
LMOA!!! My badi said poison them, like giving them too many nutes. late
looks like some healthy dank
whats your setup like?
thats so cool how you can get the most shittiest weed ever just caked with seeds, and well....turn it into something like. THAT.
+ rep . and great job man!!
Lol I harvested 1 plant for the VERy same reasons today too!So here is my first plant and harvest ever! Im very happywaiting for my other 3 to finish...
Let me get some feedback please...
Freshly hung this mourning!