Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Women's rights?....
Not sure what you are asking sir.
Women have no more or no less rights than other people.
Women's rights?....
Another popular aspect of Volunteerism/ Sovereigns is contract law, where 12 yr old girls can sign marriage contracts.
They are considered blessed with free will, free of coercion under their "natural law" theory.
Labor contracts follow "natural economics", no provisions for injuries is your free choice, even if your children are leased out as your property.
Selling yourself or others into slavery is also "natural economics", not an unusual theory among many of them.
Perverts, tax dodgers, and farm labor cheats use the philosophy to justify it to themselves, wrap it in a bible and constitution to throw at the courts.
I have the waste on ignore, but I like reading the return comments, anyway.Why are you guys feeding him? He’s only here to play with you and get your blood boiling.
I thought we all knew better.
Ten, fifteen times. Now, back to raking the forest floors.I like people who didn't get caught.
How long do you flush for?
Me too.
Man each and every person seeds the world in their own way. I see things the way i see them, you see them a different way. That is OK. Chillllll.If you back tRUmp, you are Condoning Racism, and Nationalism. You cant have it both ways, like good people on both sides. You cant back a person who backs the Klan, Proud Boys, and all the other Racist, Tiki Torch Little Dick, AR15 - AK47 carrying, fat douchebags, who couldnt run with a full pack for even 2 blocks.
Come on sir. His whole campaign was Obama is an Illegitimate President, Not Born in this Country, and is a Muslim, of which also shows the mother fucker is so stupid, that even if all that was true, Obama would still be eligible to run for president.
So even if he was ( HE WASNT ) born in another country, makes no difference. His Mother is an American Citizen.
Mitt Romneys dad was born in Mexico, but his parents were American Citizens.
John McCain was born in Panama.
Muslim?? What happened to all the Constitution bearing Freedom of Religion people on this one??? I thought there is free exercise of Religion??? I guess only if Christian, and back then, most people also hated Catholics, until John Kennedy, 150 years+ later.
One cant be buddies, and condone peoples racist deeds, and actions, and expect people to believe they also arent racist themselves. Its called Denial.
What tRUmp good at?? Division??? Us vs Them?? Hes the King in that department.
Hes buddies with and heaps praise on Putin, Kim, Duterte, Ergodan, and goes after NATO, and all of our other allies. Never says one good word about our allies, but sucks the Dictators Dicks, and also Swallows in the process.
MFr has lied to me about Covid early on, when he told Bob Woodward he knew how fucking dangerous the virus is, and is spread by the air.
To the Public/American People, the fucker was telling ME/US that there were only 15 people that have the virus, and it would be gone soon. Then it started spreading, and then he said it would be gone in the Spring. Hows that workin out now??
260,000+ DEAD, and 2x more than that by January 21st. In the next 2 months, MORE will die in the next 2 months, than since we first heard of the virus 10 months ago. And he/Moscow Mitch still wont do anything.
Tell me what it is tRUmp/McConnel are doing such a great job doing.
Obamas Birth Announcement was announced in 2 different newspapers in Hawaii for crikeys sakes. Also is registered in National Archives. Obamas mom was lilly white, and from Kansas. Raised by his white grandmother.
Im also a convicted felon. Several times, and did from 1997-2009 withy the feds for 1000 clone cultivation. 10-Life mandatory Minium.
The Republicans are the ones that dont want Felons to Vote Sir. Sorry to inform you. All of the current court cases are brough by Republicans.
In Florida, they Voted, they as in the PEOPLE, voted to restore Non-Violent Felons rights after completion of sentence. Fucking Rs took the case to court, stating they shouldnt be allowed to vote, until all fines have been paid. Which was not the intent of the law. It is a TAX. If you owe a traffic ticket, or a debt on a car wreck you caused, you arent banned from voting, just because you owe money. Many of the cases, the clerks havent even been able to tell the people how much they owe, when they persue the issue.
Im in Ky. Ernie Fletcher took Non-Violent Felons voting Rights away in the early 2000s when guv'nor. Beshear Sr restored them, and the first thing when Republiklan Matt Bevin got in, he instantly took them away. Beshear #2, restored them, so I fucking got to vote.
You back Rs, dont ever expect to vote. Youre cutting your nose of, to spite your face. ILLOGICAL.
I see things the way i see them, you see them a different way. That is OK.
AmenNo, it really isn't. Things ARE what they ARE, your personal interpretations do not alter reality
Up yours
Everything is a personal interpretation of what things are. There is no "reality". You think you are an all seeing being of some sort or what? Get out of the clouds man.No, it really isn't. Things ARE what they ARE, your personal interpretations do not alter reality
Up yours
Everything is a personal interpretation of what things are. There is no "reality". You think you are an all seeing being of some sort or what? Get out of the clouds man.
Sometimes I wonder what its like to have a mindset of an alt right young adult where white pride is preached and being brainwashed by it because of peer pressure and needing to fit in with the community.
Your perspective is so warped by conditioning, fear and hate, it's got your mind twisted like a pretzel. Jump off a high building and you will experience reality and will find there is only one in the end. Donald can spin the illusion of reality for the weak minded, but ya really got to want to believe it, nobody with a brain does. Trump voters are suckers and losers, all 75 million of them are moral failures.Everything is a personal interpretation of what things are. There is no "reality". You think you are an all seeing being of some sort or what? Get out of the clouds man.
Says the trump supporter.Me too.
Man each and every person seeds the world in their own way. I see things the way i see them, you see them a different way. That is OK. Chillllll.
Desperate to be using your regurgitated nonsense in such a shitty manner.Consider cutting him a break, he's suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
He hates himself because he voted for a cop, Kamala Harris, the same kind of cop that fucked him over and sent his ass to jail.