Aurora Indica: Should it be this simple?


Well-Known Member
Temps over 90 are going to slow the growth of your buds, try as hard as you can to get those temps down!


Well-Known Member
Ahh! My sweet little budlings are in danger?! I am not getting the same speed of growth that I was accustomed to... Looks like there's going to have to be a mysterious ventilation hole or two opening up in the ceiling of my grow space! Well, here are the pics from yesterday.
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There are only a few more hairs popping up around the last few to show, but I will be expecting to see many more once I get that temperature problem taken care of and let it just do its thing. Some of the side nodes are looking right and fit to make some nice sized buds when it is time for them to swell.

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Here are a few from today, the canopy is still only about 4 or 5 inches from the soil and it is getting to the point that I really do have to look at it closely to see any dirt at all!

Thanks for the heads up bxke1414! I have only one chance to win, so I need all the help I can get! lol I haven't had much time with all the transition to LPN and clinical business that we have been dealing with to keep up with my grow journal or even show all of ya'lls grows the attention that they definitely are worthy of! When I graduate and get my ass out of this pillbox, I will be able to both check in more and do more! Good luck and I will have another update on saturday!


Well-Known Member
bxke is right. you want an ideal temperature of 75-85 degrees. with moderate humidity. from the pics it looks like the canopy is under immense heat stress. not good for bud growth or any kind of growth for that matter. in the mean time before you vent it(please do) try freezing a gallon of water and putting it in the grow are frozen. it will help lower temp slightly. lil trick i picked up here on riu. otherwise very awesome grow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah.. Not sure what yer humidity levels are.. but, personally, I would spritz water on the sides of my pots witha spray bottle, and it would lower temps and raise humidity a little during veg.

Cannabiscult has it when he mentions the frozen water.

and yes,more exhaust!


Well-Known Member
I will definitely try that frozen water trick! It will have to wait until tomorrow, though... I will be in school before dark and I will be at work until well after it begins. Saturday will be a new day for growth! And thanks for the props cannabiscult!

good to see you around again Icurbyou!


Well-Known Member
eager to see how this turns out! keep it up.
Well my friends, this took a turn for the AWESOME! At Day 19 of Flower after 20 Days of Veg, I have gutted and revamped, reupholstered and re-equipped my grow area with mylar, ropes instead of those ties (as I was figuring that they were having an insulating effect) one pic shows why I think Santa Clause had something to do with the success of my grow so far... I have added more and better venting and I have many more pics to show of pistils and future bud sites. The Wreath of buds scheme is so close now that I can see phantasmal colas when I look at Johnnie from afar! I have been fiddling and rearranging and photographing since about 9 or 10 am and now I have a few hours before work to post em all. I was high as a kite the whole time! This last week was so crazy that I had time enough for about a half-pinch worth to make me doze off quickly and nothing more, so my tolerance had seemed to go down a bit and this morning a full bowl knocked me off my ass!

I didn't take any pictures of the new mother, but she is doing so very well! In a couple of days I she will have enough nodes to tie down in her pot and just keep her like that and maybe fim her if she sarts getting too tall, I have yet to see what a long veg time will do to this strain in as strict an LST as I apply.

These first three are of what I opened my area up to find.

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I had been wandering around walmart on my lunch break when I decided to check if they finally had those emergency blankets in stock and it turns out they did. $1.96 to cover 3 walls and and some of the ceiling and floor so it was a pretty good deal. I also got out the trusty old box cutter, foil and tape this morning and added a vent to the front hanging door. here is a walkthrough of the whole redecoration enjoy!

So I used a hand saw to get through the tough handle part and then a box cutter to do a fast and free hand hole for the vent to kind of snag on and stay put. here are a few of those hole making steps.

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So after I finished making the hole and testing it out I decided to rest and think about Christmas Spirit while I LST'd my other bud sites.

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After that I decided to show a little play by play of the Mylar going up. It really wasn't as difficult to work with as I thought it would be! I was able to tuck it back into places that were a bit more open before so I could ge tthe material much closer to the sides of the walls.

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I propped the fan on some CD cases and unusable vent piping and put all the regular fixtures in the area and sealed her up. Before I go to work I will go and check the temperatures

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I was looking at the plant again and it just hit me like a brick... No matter how small my yields are or who gets the most weight from their best plants, we are all growing our own weed!!! We will never again have to pay ridiculous prices for lower quality ever again! And that is just brilliant!

Well I gotta get ready,Good luck on your gows everyone!


Well-Known Member
Very true.. as much as we all talk on here, and the money and frustrations growing.... in the end, we are all learning how to grow, and most importantly we are supplying OURSELVES with the plant that we desire, for whatever our reasons. There is no need to purchase it when you can just grow your own!

Looking great man. Watch the temps with that safety blanket, I have heard they insulate but I have no experience myself with it!

Youre revamp is fucking excellent. PROPS!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I put a good bit of work into the process and I'm hopeful that the temps will be withing the 80 - 85 range when I check. I may not beable to freeze the water, but I will definitely figure out a good way to help keep the temps down if this didn't do the trick... Well, I have a test this morning... Take care of your babies!


Well-Known Member
Yeah so I just got home and I haven't checked the temps yet, but I must say that today was a good day in class... We're studying alterations in reproductive health and the teacher saved the breast self-examination video for the very end of class! That's it! Just wind up the sex robot and send him around the house to tip over glasses and vases on all low-topped furniture! Well, I'm gonna check on some other female anatomy and after I get some work done I will report the findings along with the update for today.


Well-Known Member
20/20! Day 20 of Flower after Day 20 of Veg -
I had the ventilation done very well but I still came to find that there was very little change in the temperature and so what I decided to do was take out the two 42w and substitue them with four 26w bulbs. The 42w are bright as hell but they are also making all that heat it seems. The others aren't as bright but I figure that I will make up for it in lower temps and more spread out lighting.

More pistils showed up today and I am seeing that I will have to keep this plant in flower for a bit longer than I thought, but I still have a few weeks of overtime that I can deal with.

I will have some more pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
20/20! Day 20 of Flower after Day 20 of Veg -
I had the ventilation done very well but I still came to find that there was very little change in the temperature and so what I decided to do was take out the two 42w and substitue them with four 26w bulbs. The 42w are bright as hell but they are also making all that heat it seems. The others aren't as bright but I figure that I will make up for it in lower temps and more spread out lighting.

More pistils showed up today and I am seeing that I will have to keep this plant in flower for a bit longer than I thought, but I still have a few weeks of overtime that I can deal with.

I will have some more pics up tomorrow.
Hey bro... arent you at 20 days of 12/12 but only a few days of flower? Since the pistils took awhile to show?

How many days has it been since you saw pistils? I will look it up.

I dont know if 20 days of flower is really correct for your instance. It gives sort of the wrong impression...?

Edit: went and checked.. Looks like you were able to determine sex on 11/3... So I would say you've been flowering for 7 days today rather than 20. Whatchya think?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro... arent you at 20 days of 12/12 but only a few days of flower? Since the pistils took awhile to show?

How many days has it been since you saw pistils? I will look it up.

I dont know if 20 days of flower is really correct for your instance. It gives sort of the wrong impression...?

Edit: went and checked.. Looks like you were able to determine sex on 11/3... So I would say you've been flowering for 7 days today rather than 20. Whatchya think?

Thanks guys! I was wondering just how fast this little lady was going to have to blow up to match you guys' yields! LOL you are absolutely right, then I am now at Day 20 of Veg and Day 8 of flower! That seems much much better. By the way, Curb, that was a very tactful way of correcting my date keeping. had you been some nameless prat I would have gotten a "Learn to count, NEWB!" Or something like that! Thanks for the looking out!

I have placed a big frozen jug of red water (The color doesn't help or hurt from what I can wager... it is just pretty when frozen!) I have opened up the tarp a bit more to give it more ventilation and cooler temps. This closet is so small and awkwardly placed that it is really hard now to keep the temps down with anything more than 150w worth of cfls.
I tried giving the leaves a shower with the spray bottle. I did it for two reasons... The first was to wash the leaves off and let them breathe a bit more, and the second reason was to give thesurface of the soil a bit of pre-wetting to help out when I started watering. The temps were so high that I had to water a bit more frequently. The showering is why you will see leaves with water all over them... I left the door off and the fan on high to give them a chance to dry out.

So I had to go ahead and LST my mother. I haven't even kept up with just how long she's been rooted, but from all of my guesstimating I would say it is about 25 days old and has 4 nodes. When I kick her to the side and that light starts to work on it I am confident I will find 8 more contestants for the Spring/Summer harvest contest or maybe just my own soon-to-be private harem! LOL

I have a couple of cat litter buckets that would just go to the recycling bin, but will have a much better impact by being repurposed into super planters! The largest of the ones I have is already being used to keep my water. Now that I have been having some problems with temps, I will be freezing that water in some bottles and letting them help cool my grow and keep the temps from shifting so quickly and when it is time to water, I will have good warm water! Hope this works! If it doesn't, I will be looking at smaller yields... but still 13-16 minor colas worth of smaller yields! :-P
LST is so kickass!

The last 4 inches of my main cola has just thrown off 3 more side nodes that will surely become nice colas. I think I have seen about all of the stretching that these genetics will offer with my skills and setup.... There are either multiple pistils on each side node or the beginnings of a pistil formation on the slower growing ones.

The mylar seems to be making a big impression! I am nearly blinded each time I open up to check! Here is a pic to show what I see! I changed the lights out and split the lights up just a bit and I hope this helps as well! Next time I will try to add some more pics of the pistils and bud sites! Enjoy the show for today!



Well-Known Member
No prob.. I was trying to form it is a question cuz I didnt want to come off as a dickhead. haha.

I think its really funny your water is RED. haha So random.

I just today started using a few frozen water bottles in my box. Trying to keep the temps around 80....

Loooking good man.. I shouldve taken some clones.. Stupid me.


Well-Known Member
Totally, curb! My clone will be the same smoke for the rest of my strain's run, you get so many possibilities!

So the Computer growbox and AI clones for my dad for X-mas would be a good idea or the worst? Considering that I know that he will prolly smoke weed until the day he dies, of course...

I also have a pic or two of the change in size from yesterday to today and it is rather significant!


Well, I have proof of the existance of all those 13 -16 budsites that I was talking about. I have moved all of the fan leaves that were growing over the stem and there you go! The few that are big and good will be the ones that make me so super happy, but I am hoping that these little ones get around the size of the biggest ones... Here have a look see!

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Do any of you remember how I was cloning that day and cut into the stem and I was worried about the plant dying? Well, I got a little smile today. Here is why.... The cut and the stem that said, "I don't give a damn!"


Did you notice the little teeny weeny leaves growing out of it? LOL Johnnie is a Trooper with a capitol fucking 'T'!

At the end you will see how my plant is now getting a kind of depression which is perfect to start the Wreath of Bud's next transformation. I am seriously interested in cutting this thing down to see what kind of twisted form she has! Staring at some of the pictures I can almost see the branches wrapping around to try to eat my face.

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Well, that is all I got for today. Take care and good luck on your grows!

