Tiki Madman

So I'm thinking of picking up one of the more expensive breeder cuts from tiki. Here is what's available what do you guys think ?
Singapore sling
Forbidden runtz
Lemon mints
Cold snap
Mac stomper
That jealousy looks really good, the breeder cut was available for 1k, but it's hard for me drop that on one cut when I still have so much to buy to get my rooms fully dialed.
Where do you find these breeder cuts? I'm totally interested
Right, I've said multiple times on this post where to look for the list of clone vendors (tikis ig before anyone else asks).

I'm about to send these tiki cuts to the flower room, they will veg into their new pots for a week or two and get flipped.
Ya my icc x jealousy just got transplanted, taking cuts soon and sending em into the phenohinting flower room.
So I'm thinking of picking up one of the more expensive breeder cuts from tiki. Here is what's available what do you guys think ?
Singapore sling
Forbidden runtz
Lemon mints
Cold snap
Mac stomper

Those all just dropped in Oklahoma too, plus some, I might pick some up.
Those all just dropped in Oklahoma too, plus some, I might pick some up.
I decided to wait to pick up anymore, I just got a bunch of tiki clones last month and they are getting ready to go into flower. Having to keep cuts of a bunch of different stuff while deciding what to keep is gonna be a chore that I'm not looking forward too.
I decided to wait to pick up anymore, I just got a bunch of tiki clones last month and they are getting ready to go into flower. Having to keep cuts of a bunch of different stuff while deciding what to keep is gonna be a chore that I'm not looking forward too.

I emailed the nursery (I guess it’s a nursery I don’t know) that has them so see what’s up, hopefully they’re not available until I can see yours pretty well flowered out =)