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Asking for a friend
Asking for a friend
Multiple Marriages tho not all at once ...lolAsking for a friend
Depression and anxiety. As a kid I was on so much medication for my ADD and ADHD I had extreme anxiety and insomnia. Cannabis kept me from suicide. At the age of 17 I had a skating accident and slipped three disc's in my lower back and one was completely ruptured causing my spinal cord to be pinched and the thick gel like fluid was pushing on my sciatic nerve. Doctors had me on so much pain medication I was gaining weight and had terrible acne. The pain killers also killed my stomach. Again I turned to Cannabis for pain relief, because even the days I didn't smoke I had enough in my system to keep my pain at bay. Fast forward to 10 years later and I started drinking more and became full-blown pot-head. Aside from killing my back pain a bit cannabis was sapping my energy and making my mental issues worse. Sativas were doing nothing for me and probably because of the alcohol taking over and my Cannabis use recreational and less. Since then I have quit drinking heavily and every day by using cannabinoids and some thc. It's had negative effects on my life but it's also been the number one supplement to deal with my problems in life. It's not for everyone.Asking for a friend
Asking for a friend
Not me, but my dear friend used it to treat cancer, i was planting weed for her (illegal in my country, good stuff is about 1900 usd for 9 ounces), hard breast cancer, she used it for cure, apettite, sleep, side effects of chemo, doctors gave her 2 months, she got 3 years until it hit back harder all over body, we didnt have enough time to grow, nor money (she sold equipment cause she needed money and my efforts died miserably cause i just didnt have time going to college, working 8 hours to take care of her and plants), in the end i was force kicked out of her med room while they tried to revive her, as for weed, it showed as a real cure, if we were more informed maybe we would do better, i promised to her and myself ill make a diy controlled system for med patients that requires as little effort as possible (plug & play, auto cleaning design, because sometimes she could barely hold glass) that achieves top results, not 300 grams in 4 months, last year or so i really started with project, gathering info, making designs, speaking with professionals from all areas (control systems, agriculture, biochem, exp growers), ill be damned if i wont make this top notch product... Myself, i stopped with weed, used to smoke too much, and all the money i spare i put into this project (again, very exp here)... It got some of my friends mentally ill (schizofrenia, psychosis, depression), so i know the other edge of that blade... Sorry for long post, im a potato...
Its cannabinoids that suppress appetite. THC or "Marijauna" stimulates appetite.Obesity. Evidence does suggest that THC and other cannabinoids may in fact be responsible for weight loss. Large enterprises even take a commercial interest in the prospect.