Hey guys first time grow plants are sick

Your substrate looks pretty wet, id let it dry out and dont water everyday. I dont thinks its a deficiency because if you just transplanted then it should be fine for a while w/o nutrients. For watering though definitely slow down only water when the soil is dry even letting the plant get a bit droopy before watering is ok! Hope this helps :cool:


New Member
Any suggestions to help the soil dry slightly faster the leds aren't creating much heat i have added some holes to the soil the help get air to the roots
Any suggestions to help the soil dry slightly faster the leds aren't creating much heat i have added some holes to the soil the help get air to the roots
You could put a fan near it to make it dry faster! Adding holes to the bottom of your pot (if they arent already there) helps as well with drainage. Another thing to research is soil water retention, there is certain things like perlite, ect that you can add to your soil to make it retain less water. Also if you use a branded soil mix then make sure that it isn't a water retaining mix because it makes it way easier to overwater! :cool: