First grow frustrations

I’m growing organic and have been dealing with this issue for at least a month now. I’ve googled and YouTubed the issues I was having and tried to figure it out but can’t seem to. It’s definitely discouraging and I would greatly appreciate any help or tips for future grows.

Soil was amended 2 months ago

Spaghum peat moss
Cottonwood burr compost
Garden tone
Garden lime
Neem Meal
Alfalfa Meal
Crab meal

It started with over watering stemming from my beginner knowledge. I started noticing spotting, yellowing edges, yellowing between veins. I topdresssedwith amended soil thinking it may be nitrogen hoping it would help. No progress so I thought maybe a compost tea with compost, ewc, kelp molasses. I felt the next few days it looked better. So next feeding I added biolive, and bat guano, and it looked to still progress. Then I fed with plain tap water, and I saw it worsening. Next feeding with compost tea and it wasnot getting better, a couple feedings later and still no progress.

2x3 area
Temps: 78/70
6” ac infinity
2 fans
A/c unit blowing on 2x3 box when needed.
Timber 4vl dimmed to 96watts as i thought maybe I was having lighting issues turned up at 135w 24” from canopy
Tap water fed 7.8

Thanks again744FC161-8D3D-45AD-92FE-0729CC14F7FF.jpegB12CCCB2-9EE6-4E2D-A0B4-30119052D21C.jpeg5B1065DA-C8FF-4431-8CD1-CA205E1109A8.jpeg27B6316C-35F7-4ECB-8FAE-6B0F817CFD92.jpeg8AA1EDE5-F0A7-4324-ACB9-049C3BE2BB4C.jpeg


Well-Known Member
The problem with growing with a super soil type recipe is you can't really do much to remedy a situation like this when you get into trouble. Oh plenty of people grow incredible plants in it, it's how I grow when I grow outside, but I think it's a hard way for beginners to grow. One thing you can do to learn about watering is to keep an identical container filled with the same, but dry, medium and compare the weight of it to your planted containers so you know when they're close to dry-you can really go nuts and weight them if you want. I would do a slurry PH test, just to see where you're at, and try to get the overwatering under control, but I'm not sure there is much else you can do for now after adding all of that stuff to the medium. Others might disagree, but you might give straight coco + liquid nutes a try for the next round-it's much more forgiving to those who tend to overwater, and you can still use organic nutrients if you like. Since you're interested in organics, here is a good LONG thread that might give you some new ideas and also this one

Good luck! Sorry I couldn't be more helpful


Well-Known Member
I had a grow that was similar in supersoil. I had it pretty impressive looking and then i started seeing issues appear. Then I tried to correct with water and nutes, and someone here was like you arent watering near enough. Turns out it was all overwatering...nutrient lockout, pythia, fungus gnats all as a result. I trashed it and started again with much better results. Been much more careful.
Thank you for the links, will be reading.I will most likely germinate and veg a couple more and if nothing changes throughout the course of those events I will then trash it. Thanks for the input much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Your ph is way too high if it is truly 7.8

The notion that you dont have to ph your water in organic is only true if the soil is buffered(lime) and established(time, microbiology).

I would start there and over watering. All imo of course!


Well-Known Member
I will give that a shot. Any suggestions on bringing the ph down organically?
Earth juice naturals. Organic soil is a good buffer, but you probably need to at least get it around 7 flat or a little lower. Citric acid should work as well.
I knew soil needed to be established for a bit before it would buffer itself, I just figured maybe it was enough time seeing how it worked out for a friend. Not the case with me. Will adjust from now thanks for help guys