This isn't over.


Well-Known Member
So keep him on the news everyday? Let his followers have a cause? The best thing to do is let him just go away.

It's over. Don't build a platform for him to stand on.
Donald Trump is not going to go away and he has a platform that is 72 million voters high. This isn't about retribution, its about enforcing the laws that he broke.

Fascists laugh at people who try to make peace. He'd even says that people who follow the law are stupid for doing so. So what if his followers will be angry? They will just find something else to be angry over. They don't even need a good reason for a grievance.


Well-Known Member
the title of this thread fucking kills me hahahahaha
Mara was an asshole who could never attain nibbana, mara was always accumulating karma and though a demon, was nonetheless governed by the dharma, even the Gods rejoiced when when the Buddha awakened, though Mara was pissed I imagine. Existence was suffering for mara and always will be I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
Flynn has no 5th amendment rights now, the FBI and the house will want to talk to him under oath. Donald and the republicans might not realize what could be waiting for them with blanket pardons, he better include some congressmen and senators. The pardon powers will be tested next year, can you pardon someone who is involved in a criminal conspiracy with you? That would be ruled a corrupt pardon, just like if you sold one, or sold a senate seat as a governor. Meanwhile if you go waving your pardon around in court, you will spend a lot of quality time on the witness stand and answer all questions honestly about any crimes you were a party to or know about.
Trump pardons Michael Flynn
WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 18: Former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn leaves the Prettyman Federal Courthouse following a sentencing hearing in U.S. District Court December 18, 2018 in Washington, DC. Flynn's lawyers accepted the judge's offer to delay sentencing for lying to the FBI about his communication with former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has recommended no prison time for Flynn due to his cooperation with the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

President Trump tweets that he has granted a full pardon to his former national security adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
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Well-Known Member
Imagine if the SCOTUS said that Donald's pardon power was absolute and he could even pardon himself, by a 6/3 ruling with the "conservative" judges ruling to let Donald off the hook. After inauguration day Joe calls them to the White house for a meeting, then pulls out a gun and shoots all 6 conservatives justices through the forehead, on national TV, we want to be open about this, nothing hidden. Next he picks up his pardon pen and writes himself a license to kill, then he pick's up the phone and invites Mitch and the republican leadership over for a meeting...

See the problem with a POTUS pardoning himself?


Well-Known Member
Going after Trump, federal not state. It will go up to the Supreme Court. Trump fixed the SC to rule for him, they could even have a piss poor argument for it. Many people would be upset, oh well. If they do give justification in his actions, any future president will have his president and will legally get away with it. If he gets a pass federally and serves State time, all the better. The deck is stacked, he might get away with it if prosecuted. As much as I want to see his ilk rot in jail.


Well-Known Member
Going after Trump, federal not state. It will go up to the Supreme Court. Trump fixed the SC to rule for him, they could even have a piss poor argument for it. Many people would be upset, oh well. If they do give justification in his actions, any future president will have his president and will legally get away with it. If he gets a pass federally and serves State time, all the better. The deck is stacked, he might get away with it if prosecuted. As much as I want to see his ilk rot in jail.
SCOTUS appointments are lifetime and their ruling on this will be around for as long as they are, they will rule according to the constitution and common sense, Trump is gonna test every aspect of the pardon power in court and fully expose any constitutional flaws in the system. I say he can't pardon himself and if he pardons anybody he was in a conspiracy with, it will be ruled corrupt, but not before they testify against him in court using their pardon protection. Donald is creating witnesses against himself and others, perhaps in congress, if he issues a blanket pardon to say the WH staff.

Pardons will not make people loyal to him, they will compel them to testify against him or be jailed until they do, if they lie, it's perjury, why lie, they have a pardon. Let's say Devin Nunes committed illegal acts with the WH staff? They were the go between with congress... I mean lobbyist could be going down in flames along with God knows who, even if the principals got away with pardons. Future legal fees defending their pardons or testifying as witnesses in conspiracies they were parties too will cost many a fortune and ruin even more.


Well-Known Member
I kinda like this guy with as little information as there is to go on



Well-Known Member
I kinda like this guy with as little information as there is to go on

If he has integrity he should leave the party, its an anti democratic corrupt cult of personality with no policies or platform. His cognitive dissidence is mind shattering for an intelligent man, he needs to make the leap of faith and jump ship, he has little in common with these people anymore. Another recruit for an American Conservative party, policy, not culture wars, show racists and bigots the door and adopt liberal policies that will repel them, it's about economic ideology of left vs right, minus the bullshit, they will be driven by the greedy and that's almost as bad, but you might split greed from hate, if greed sees no profit in it.


Well-Known Member
Olbermann vs. Trump #32: Giuliani's Gettysburg Wrong Address? Add It To His List Of Humiliations!

He then launched into a speech taking credit for the great weather, the terrific early season performance of the Yankees and Mets, and the Dodgers and Giants who had moved out of New York in 1957 but if he’d been mayor then they wouldn’t have moved out and New York would have the four teams it deserves and look at all these great players and let me now turn it over to a good friend of mine and a great baseball man…

And he looked at me.

And forgot everything.

And finally, he looked the other way behind him where the deputy mayor had her head in her hands. Rudy Giuliani said loudly “what’s his name? WHO is he?” And as the crowd laughed, and some of the Hall of Fame players seated behind me gave me pats of consolation on my shoulder, Fran Reiter screamed “Keith Olbermann! From ESPN! The MC! You repeated it to me!”

Giuliani now turned back to the crowd as if there had been no way they could have heard or seen any of this, and he said… let me turn it over to a good friend of mine and a great baseball man, Keith Obleman, our N-C, from E-S-P-M…

I just sat there. More laughs and consolations from the players behind me.
As I thought, “should I get up there and say ‘Thanks, Mayor LaGuardia’” and then concluded no, I was representing ESPN and the Hall of Fame, he said it AGAIN. Finally, I got up and told the crowd ‘sorry, I wasn’t sure he meant me.’

So if you are saying to yourself: what on earth **happened* to Rudy Giuliani with that brown schvitz-for-brains pouring down his face, I am saying to you: he has been this crazy for 25 years. You were just lucky enough to not have noticed. It’s all true. Or my name isn’t Keith Obleman, our N-C, from E-S-P-M.


Well-Known Member
"they will rule according to the constitution and common sense"
If he has integrity he should leave the party, its an anti democratic corrupt cult of personality with no policies or platform. His cognitive dissidence is mind shattering for an intelligent man, he needs to make the leap of faith and jump ship, he has little in common with these people anymore. Another recruit for an American Conservative party, policy, not culture wars, show racists and bigots the door and adopt liberal policies that will repel them, it's about economic ideology of left vs right, minus the bullshit, they will be driven by the greedy and that's almost as bad, but you might split greed from hate, if greed sees no profit in it.
So you are saying he is a RINO?


Well-Known Member
Steve Schmidt: ‘We’ve Entered The Corrupt Pardon Phase Of The Trump Coup’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Co-founder of the Lincoln Project Steve Schmidt, New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay, and politics editor at the Daily Beast Sam Stein react to President Trump’s pardon of Michael Flynn.


Well-Known Member
Expert legal opinion pro bono.
Trump Corruptly Pardons Mike Flynn. Does Judge Sullivan Have Any Options Left in Flynn's Case?

Just as Donald Trump corruptly commuted Roger Stone's sentence, keeping Stone out of prison, Trump has now corruptly pardoned Mike Flynn after Flynn pleaded guilty - twice - to lying to the FBI about contacts with the Russians. What options doesJudge Emmet Sullivan, the judge presiding over Flynn's criminal case, have at this point? Recall, Judge Sullivan REFUSED to grant Bill Barr's corrupt motion to dismiss Flynn's case. What's next? Here are some possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. He seems solid to me too.
Not if he continues to be a schweinhund, pig dog means if you run with the pigs you'll get the stink of them on yourself. Hang around with criminals and you will get into trouble, his personal integrity and the eyeballs of the nation saved him, this time. He might as well leave the party, the lunatic base will primary him anyway, the party is poisoned, when it is wrong to do the right thing, it is time to leave.

If the democrats win the 2 senate seats in Georgia, he'll have to go into the witness protection program and move out of the state to survive the snow storm, it will be a blizzard of snowflakes falling from the sky. :lol: Mitch will replace Donald in trying to overturn the Georgia run off election, he'll make Donald look like an amateur!
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Well-Known Member
Mara was an asshole who could never attain nibbana, mara was always accumulating karma and though a demon, was nonetheless governed by the dharma, even the Gods rejoiced when when the Buddha awakened, though Mara was pissed I imagine. Existence was suffering for mara and always will be I'm afraid.
so...then with you're lesson, what are you trying to say?