This isn't over.

Absolutely not, it's not up to Joe, it's not his job, get used to the way the American legal system worked before Trump, that's all that will really occur. Presidents maintain an arms length distance from the DOJ, remember the bullshit about Bill Clinton a former POTUS talking to the Obama AG at an airport?

For perspective

So keep him on the news everyday? Let his followers have a cause? The best thing to do is let him just go away.

It's over. Don't build a platform for him to stand on.
So keep him on the news everyday? Let his followers have a cause? The best thing to do is let him just go away.

It's over. Don't build a platform for him to stand on.
The platform he will be standing on is a scaffold, once hung he will never be heard from again, supermax's are like that.
So much for just letting the DOJ do its job in the Biden administration. Democrats really are such pussies. Sigh....

You wonder if this is a nation of law. It’s not up to you to decide, Mr President Elect. We The People put you in the office to enforce and follow. This isn’t some personal grudge against Trump. If he broke laws during his time in the office you need to put him before the court. Otherwise president of this nation will again disregard laws of this nation. No one should be above the law.
You wonder if this is a nation of law. It’s not up to you to decide, Mr President Elect. We The People put you in the office to enforce and follow. This isn’t some personal grudge against Trump. If he broke laws during his time in the office you need to put him before the court. Otherwise president of this nation will again disregard laws of this nation. No one should be above the law.
You call yourselves progs, am I right?

So, what part of what Biden said includes not enforcing the law?

"I will not do what this president does and use the Justice Department as my vehicle to insist that something happen," the Democrat said. "There are a number of investigations that I've read about that are at a state level. There's nothing at all I can or cannot do about that."

Do "progs" (lulz) not speak English? He said he isn't going to use the DOJ as his own tool for vengence like Trump did. The "progs" (lulz) interpret that to mean Trump will walk scot-free. No wonder the "prog" (lulz) leadership aren't taken seriously. They can't even read.
Come on. Lets not spend years with hearings and investigations. Let trump move to Mar A Lago to live out the rest of his years. This call for incarceration of trump isn't going to do anyone any good. All it's going to do is waste resources and elevate him as a martyr to his cult like following. The best thing we can do is ignore and forget about him. He craves attention good or bad. Lets deny him that attention. There are much more pressing issues for the country than "Lock Him Up!".

I don't like trump and could care less if he's in prison or on the golf course. But this payback crap needs to stop. He's an old man that is going to fade into irrelevance.

People need to move on. It's time to look towards the future and not continue to litigate the past. He didn't kill anyone on Fifth Avenue. Let him and his misdeeds go into the halls of history. He'll always be remembered as the worst President in history and that taint will follow his family around for generations.

Let it go.
Screw that.

My family was one of the over hundred million people that Trump has helped the Russian military to attack, even going as far as his campaign giving the Russian military the data that he received form the RNC when they gave it to him when he became their nominee.

This is not about payback, it is about holding people of immense power accountable when they break our laws and get caught, which is exactly the situation Trump finds himself.

So keep him on the news everyday? Let his followers have a cause? The best thing to do is let him just go away.

It's over. Don't build a platform for him to stand on.
If he ends up with 12 Americans deciding his fate, it was entirely Trump's own doing.
First time I've purposely tuned into Fox News ever. I can understand cnn and msnbc, but even Fox isn't covering it. Lmao
they showed Rudy explaining how small frauds all add up to a fraud against the whole nation. lol.

and wtf are the rings he wears? please don't tell me he wears Yankees world series rings in public???
So keep him on the news everyday? Let his followers have a cause? The best thing to do is let him just go away.

It's over. Don't build a platform for him to stand on.
If trumps not in prison he will be in the news anyway controlling the GOP from his Twitter account. If you honestly believe he’s going to hang out quietly in Mar-A-Lago you haven’t been paying attention the past 30 years.

He has committed serious crimes. Some of which so bad, he should be hauled to The Hague for them.

Letting him get away with it will also hurt the Democrats in 2022 and 2024.

Do they still hang for treason? That sounds like a fair punishment to me.
If trumps not in prison he will be in the news anyway controlling the GOP from his Twitter account. If you honestly believe he’s going to hang out quietly in Mar-A-Lago you haven’t been paying attention the past 30 years.

He has committed serious crimes. Some of which so bad, he should be hauled to The Hague for them.

Letting him get away with it will also hurt the Democrats in 2022 and 2024.

Do they still hang for treason? That sounds like a fair punishment to me.
Im not a death penalty fan so don't want to see him hung, just thoroughly exposed and held accountable for his crimes.
He has committed serious crimes. Some of which so bad, he should be hauled to The Hague for them.
We can leave The Hague out of it for now, as long as they have a functioning legal system. It would be embarrassing as Hell to give him a pass only to face a demand from the world that he face crimes against humanity charges.
I’m against capital punishment too but I’m willing to make an exception in trump’s case.
Ya know if Joe joined the world court, they could prosecute anybody conspiring to circumvent or attack democratic institutions etc. Jurisdiction only applies to high government officials and would be an additional layer of democratic protection. Join an international program of peer democratic nations to improve elections and cross audit each other and issue independent reports on each member country, problems and suggestions for improvement, minimum standards etc.
The USA has had a universal business code for al ling time, perhaps it might be time for something like that, minimum standards that all states subscribe to. Also use the republican distrust of the recent election results to your advantage if ya win the senate with the creation of Elections USA. An independent organization that facilitates security, sets and enforces minimum standards and settles disputes, it would be run by the courts, overseen by the SCOTUS and funded by congress with a mandate.
Re: It’s not over

Seeing how MAGA is just a cult and people LOVE their Donald I want to make this prediction. They’re hurting right now and they want to show love for their demigod. I think we will see a rise in the popularity of “Donald” for a boys name in the next few years. (How many Anakins do you know?)

The kid himself may turn out fine but at least we will know he has douchebag parents.
the title of this thread fucking kills me hahahahaha
Good title, the larger fight has just begun, Trump is soon gonna be in shit then prison, next target the networks who supported him and the genuine grievances that fueled it. The racists will be fucked and the hardcore ones will be hived off from the rest of the more sensible ones and the fucking idiots will be ignored, divide and conquer, you don't need all of them, just a few percent over time. They know what they are dealing with now, Trump both quantified and qualified it, 72 million moral failures and for them, anything goes.